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Yearly Predictions


Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:

In 2025 new visions will begin to emerge. Your activities will become more dedicated. You will strive to put your visions into action. It will take commitment and hard work to ground your dreams. Without discipline and consistent effort you could easily be distracted. This will be a positive year for Aries. The challenge will be to be sincere and align with others who are sincere.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, Apr 18 to Jun 17, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aries.

Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between Mar. 21 and 22 then 2025 will be a year of big schemes and dreams. The more socially conscious your actions will be, the more credibility and support you will gain. It may prove difficult to find work that you want, but any work would be better than no work. Strive to be consistent. If you aim for big goals focus on taking care of the little things. If you have spare time, consider volunteer work helping others.

Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:

The increasing cost of living will make you more fearful about spending money this year. There will still be a strong need to do your own thing and express freedom. If you want to take a big trip or make a big purchase, then you will need to control your resources and cut out unnecessary things. If you are not prepared and cautious, expenses could escalate out of control. If you do not cut back on unnecessary expenses, then you could encounter difficulty with the necessary ones.

Your most stressful times will be from Apr 18 to Jun 17, and from Sep 22 to Nov 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, Jun 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31.  There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Taurus.

Special Focus: If you were born between May 15 and 21, then excitement and sudden change will prevail. You will feel restless and unstable. There is a need for you to do something different. You need to step out of the box and be different. Others might be shocked! So what! If you simply stay where you are anxiety levels will increase. Do not resist change! Let go of whatever or whoever needs to be let go of.

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

Jupiter will remain in Gemini until June 6, so for 5 months good luck is on your side. This is a good time to start or expand on a business. It will be easy to attract promotions, good investments and babies! It will be twelve years before Jupiter will be in Gemini again, so make the most of it now, while you can. The best opportunities will be the ones you have prepared for. If you are insincere, you will attract unreliable people.

Your most stressful times will be from Jun 17 to Aug 7, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Apr 18 to Jun 17, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 1 to Jan. 6 when Mars traverses Gemini.

Special Focus:

If you were born between June 18 and 21 then you will be gullible and inclined toward aversion. This is not the time for big schemes or dreams. It will be a year where you will need to be simple and self-reliant. Don’t make promises or rely on the promises of others. Helping others will improve your karma. The road to hell is lined with good intentions and expectations. Discrimination will be needed to avoid chasing mirages.

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon
Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Jupiter will enter Cancer on June 6, 2025. This will usher in the luckiest year in twelve. The challenge is to be patient through the first five months of the year. This is the time to complete preparations so that better opportunities are possible in the last half of the year. If you have a plan to reach out or ask for a promotion wait until June. Making a big purchase or taking a big trip bodes well for the summer and Fall.

Your most stressful times will be from Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jun 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 6 to Apr 18.

Special Focus:

If you were born between June 21 and 24 you will be gullible from April to the end of October as Neptune in Aries will square your sun. Big schemes and expectations will work against you. Unreliable and deceptive people will be hovering around you. Be sincere, but do not make big investments. This is a time for simple self-reliance. Your lucky Jupiter time will come in the late fall.

This will be a time to lie low and avoid temptations.

Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified
Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:

If you draw too much attention to yourself this year, there will be difficult repercussions. Opportunities will come easier in the first five months of the year. It will be easier to escape into fantasies than to deal with reality. You will be too precariously positioned to express pride. If you do, instant opposition will arise. Hold onto your pursuit of knowledge as long as you can. If courses become too expensive, you can learn most subjects for free by videos on YouTube.

Your most stressful times will be from Sep 22 to Nov 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Apr 18 to Jun 17, when Mars traverses Leo.

Special Focus:

If you were born between August 17 and 23 this will be an unstable year. Things and people are falling away from you. You will need to let go of what or who no longer belongs. The more you hold on the more anxious you will be. The sooner you let go the sooner you will start to smile again. This is not a good year to throw good energy after bad. If you don’t set yourself up, you may not be brought down.

Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEPT. 23:

The clouds of self-doubt and confusion will begin to lift this year as both Neptune and Saturn move out of Pisces in the spring, until the Fall when they will return for four or five months. This promises to be a good summer for you. Still there are skills that need to be added or improved. Your confidence will improve a little but the complications will be lessening. Modest progress is the theme. Try not to exaggerate.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jun 17 to Aug 7, when Mars traverses Virgo.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Aug. 23 and 25 the bubble will pop! The last half of the year will be an unstable one. Your plans will not be consistent and there will be much impatience and restlessness. During this period you will not win lawsuits or confrontations. It will be important for you to lie low and strive to be invisible for a while. Old promises are breaking. Don’t replace them with new ones. It may seem as if you will be juggling your priorities. Scramble to adapt.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:

Opportunities will come your way spontaneously for the first five months of the year. This will be your bests time to move forward on a project. The path ahead will present itself simply and there will be little resistance. Make the most of this period. After June 6 there will be struggles on the path. It will be more difficult to see clearly. There will be conflicts that require you to adjust your perspective. Exaggeration and misunderstanding will increase.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, Apr 18 to Jun 17, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Aug 7 to Sep 22, when Mars traverses Libra.

Special Focus:

This will be a positive year for most Librans but those of you born in October will have trouble staying focused. It will seem as 0if your efforts will go off track. Not completely but it will be difficult to drive straight forward. Distractions will come and your work ethic will be weak or even misguided. The solution is to maintain personal discipline and cut back on how much multi-tasking you do.

Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Fear will enhance personal judgements. The more rigid you become in your judgements the vulnerable you will be to sudden shock and instability. Trust will overcome fear. Are you capable of holding on to trust and letting it prevail in your relationships. If not, what kind of relationships will you attract? This is the Scorpio test of 2025. To trust or not to trust, that is the question. Move away from unstable people and places.

Your most stressful times will be from Apr 18 to Jun 17. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, Jun 17 to Aug 7, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Sep 22 to Nov 4, when Mars traverses Scorpio.

Special Focus:

If you were born between October 24 and 28 this will be a year of confrontation. You will have to face your fears. You will be doing an audit of your life. Someone or something is at odds with you. Power struggles are like to surface. Will you be able to maintain trust in the face of adversity? This is not the time to sell out or back off. This is a time to hold onto truth and let the chips fall where they may. Is there love without truth. Is there love without trust? If fears surface just ask yourself so what?

Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


In the first five months of 2025, the questions: What is right? What is wrong? and What is going on? will prevail. There will not likely be any distinct answers. This puzzle will surround much of your affairs. While this is going on, do not make big decisions. Wait until you get passed May, because misunderstandings will begin to fall away. A new outlook will blossom in the last half of the year.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, and from Jun 17 to Aug 7. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, Apr 18 to Jun 17, and from Aug 7 to Sep 22. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Nov 4 to Dec 15

Special Focus: If you were born between Dec. 19 and 22 then confusions will continue for the first three months of the year, then they will lift like a fog dissipating, only to return one more time for November and December. These will be highly gullible times. Try to let go of great expectations and find you own level of simplicity and self-reliance. Minimize expectations and dependencies.

Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:

2025 will start out on a positive note for the first three months. Winter is yours to make the most of. Complications will start to come in with the spring. Your work ethic will suffer, and it might be difficult for you to get motivated. The last half of the year will be one of increasing misunderstandings. You will be reassessing your goals and priorities. A new approach will be needed. Not everyone will go along with your plans.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, and from Aug 7 to Sep 22. Your most harmonious times will be from Jun 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Dec 15 to Dec 31, when Mars traverses Capricorn.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Dec. 22 and 25 this will be a year of complications starting in the spring time and lasting until Halloween.  You will be gullible and easily confused. This will be manageable if you keep things simple and avoid big schemes. Most likely someone will not live up to your expectations, or someone could be financially deceptive. Do not rely on or make promises. Patience and careful listening could keep you out of trouble. This is your forte!

Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:

Pluto has moved into Aquarius. You will be feeling the need to stand up for what you know to be true. In fact, you will be rather intolerant of other views. If you are embracing untruth, then you can expect to be confronted over it. You know what you know and the rest is BS. This will not be a time of compromise or surrender. Make sure your facts are true. Then take a stand and let the chips fall where they may.

Your most stressful times will be from Apr 18 to Jun 17, and from Sep 22 to Nov 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, Apr 18 to Jun 17, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aquarius.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Feb. 12 and 19 then 2025 will be a year of great changes. You will be leaving behind whatever or whoever no longer belongs in your life. This may not be precipitated by you. Someone else could leave or let you down. This will not be a stable time and your confidence will be challenged. Don’t force issues and avoid confrontations if you can. Don’t throw good energy after bad.

Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:

It will seem as if you are surfing on a large wave. Cowabunga! It will take discipline to maintain balance. Commitment and long-term effort will be needed to ground your visions. No one will do this for you. You will need to make the effort yourself. It would be a good idea to take care of the most difficult thing first, then things will get easier as you go. Try not to be knocked off track and concentrate on doing one thing at a time.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, Jun 17 to Aug 7, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, Jun 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Pisces.

Special Focus: If you were born between Feb. 19 and 21 then this will be a year of choppy waters. Instability will prevail. This will be a time of letting go more than of holding on. It will feel like you are scrambling to get by. If you set yourself up, you will be brought down. If you don’t talk about your anxieties, no one will notice. Aloof and evasive will be useful approaches. If you take risks or speculate, you will lose.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. www.rasa.ws

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, you can contact Robin through his webstore www.iastrostore.com .

Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong.


Heliocentric Astrology

Heliocentric Houses

New Depths of Insights

A webinar with

Astrologer Robin Armstrong

Heliocentric Houses reveal one’s relationship between the light and the shadow,

As well as between extroversion and introversion.

 New valuable insights emerge.

Heliocentric houses can be determined even if you don’t have a time of birth.

After joining, you will receive a free printout of your helio houses.

Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025

8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time

Before Jan. 15 = $25.       After Jan. 14 = $30.

Click on this link to reserve your place.


Robin has a new site on Trigrams and Astrology.


I Ching Links

How to use your horoscope to access the I Ching. The 64 Hexagrams as a Zodiac of 64 divisions.

The relationship of the three main cycles: the year(sun), the month (moon) and the day (earth) to both the I Ching and astrology.

A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. The mystical Great Treatise that explains the inner depths of the I Ching is also here.

A new interpretation of the I Ching Hexagrams. References to the Superior Man have been removed. In its place the accentuation is on the individual. One does this, one does that, one remains free of blame!


A collection of cosmic connections to the I Ching. How numbers, the Kabbalah, and the seven rays relate to the I Ching, and to many other systems of understanding.

On this site you will find applications of the I Ching to rhythm, melody and to chanting. This takes the I Ching interpretations beyond the realm of words.


This website is my resume!




ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 

2024 will be a positive year for most Aries. Common sense will prevail, and extremes will be avoided. After May 25 when Jupiter goes into Gemini your fortunes will improve. Opportunities will come to you easily. This summer will be an excellent time for you to travel or to improve your business situation.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 4, Feb 13 to Mar 22, Jul 20 to Sep 4, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Apr 30 to Jun 8 when Mars traverses Aries.

Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between Apr. 19 and 20 then 2024 will be a year when you have to take care of necessity. There will be confrontations and reality checks during the first three weeks of January, September, October, and up to Nov. 19. So the more you deal with the difficulties directly, the better the opportunities you attract will be.

TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21

Jupiter will be in Taurus for the first five months of 2024. This will continue your good luck year. Opportunities for advancement, for investment and for travel will continue. Make the most of these first five months because Jupiter will leave Taurus and enter Gemini on May 25. This promises to be an innovative year.

Your most stressful times will be from Feb 13 to Mar 22, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31.  Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, Mar 22 to Apr 30, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jun 8 to Jul 20 when Mars traverses Taurus.

Special Focus: If you were born between May 9 and 18, then 2024 will be an innovative and exciting year. You will be breaking the old mode and moving in new directions. This could be a new exciting job, a new creative medium, or something different than what you are used to. New friends will be attracted.

GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

May 25 marks the beginning of the luckiest year in twelve for Geminis. Jupiter will be in your sign. New opportunities will arise. This is good for investing, asking for a raise, making a big purchase, for travelling and it would be easy to add a  member to your family. The best opportunities will be the ones you have been working towards and are prepared for.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 4, and from Mar 22 to Apr 30. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb 13 to Mar 22, Apr 30 to Jun 8, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jul 20 to Sep 4 when Mars traverses Gemini.

Special Focus: If you were born between June 15 and 18 then you will be quite gullible and inclined to exaggerate. Big schemes will spell trouble for you, but simple efforts made to help others will reap significant benefits. Personal dedication will win the day if what you are dedicated to is worthy.


2024 will be a positive and productive year for most Cancers. Responsibilities will be easily handled and this in turn will open up new opportunities. You may not be able to change the world but with a little effort you will be able to change your personal circumstances without being shut down.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, and from Apr 30 to Jun 8. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar 22 to Apr 30, and from Jun 8 to Jul 20. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Sep 4 to Nov 3.

Special Focus: If you are a Cancer and were born on July 22 or 23 there will still be some reality checks to take care of. A confrontation will still be required of you. Tough love will prevail for the first three weeks of January, and from Sept. 1 to Nov. 20 when Pluto lingers in the last degree of Capricorn. After that the pressure will ease off. Be truthful and let the chips fall where they may.


2024 will start out with you being over extended and trying to do too much. You will have success in small matters but not in large ones. This will last until May 25 when circumstances start to improve for you. The last half of the year will be much better than the first. Some restraint in the first half will prove wise.

Your most stressful times will be from Feb 13 to Mar 22, and from Jun 8 to Jul 20. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 4, Apr 30 to Jun 8, and from Jul 20 to Sep 4. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Nov 3 to Dec 31 when Mars traverses Leo.Special Focus: If you were born between July 23 and 26 then you will run into obstacles and confrontations this year. You will need to do an audit of your life and stand up to what is no longer true or good for you. Someone will be at odds with you. Do not sell out! Hold your ground. Be truthful and see how things work out.


2024 will be a difficult year for most Virgos as Saturn travels though Pisces opposing your Sun. You will feel held back and somewhat melancholic. Responsibilities will seem to be piling up and smothering you. You will want to quit, but really you should bide your time. There will be too much to lose by quitting now. Some retraining might be useful.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar 22 to Apr 30, and from Jul 20 to Sep 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, Jun 8 to Jul 20, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Virgo.

Special Focus: If you were born between Sept. 18 and 23 you will be gullible and not seeing clearly this year. Your expectations will be exaggerated and perhaps even delusional. Big schemes and dreams will cause problems. The solution will be to maintain self-reliance. Avoid making promises or relying on the promises of others.


A lot of pressure will lift off of Librans this year as Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Year od adverse thinking will be left behind and a new progressive powerful thing will arise. AI will make a difference. Also, opportunities will increase from May 25 to the end of the year as Jupiter enters Gemini.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, Apr 30 to Jun 8, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 4, Feb 13 to Mar 22, Jul 20 to Sep 4, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Libra.

Special Focus:

If you are a Libra and were born in September then 2024 will bring good luck and a strong accentuation on the ability to write and communicate. Your words will gain a positive response and will open up new friendships. Try to be persevering until May 25 when Jupiter goes into Gemini, then reach out and make the most of it.


There will be a big shift in your outlook on life in 2024. Misunderstandings will arise and you will be pressured to make adjustments. Don’t freeze! It is the right time for you to make these adjustments. Once past May 25 your outlook will stabilize. In the last half of the year work will be easier.

Your most stressful times will be from Feb 13 to Mar 22, Jun 8 to Jul 20, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, Mar 22 to Apr 30, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Scorpio.

Special Focus:

If you were born between November 11 and 20 this will be a very unstable year for you. There will be high anxiety and sudden change. Instability will prevail. You will be challenged to let go of what or who no longer belongs. If things start to change, the sooner and the faster, the better it will be for you. Don’t look back!


There will be a mixed bag of influences affecting Sagittarius in 2024. Jupiter will force a new understanding or an adjustment of your basic outlook. This brings problems of too many and too much. Saturn will pressure you to be more responsible and to adjust your commitments. Neptune will humble you if you chase big dreams or schemes.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar 22 to Apr 30, and from Jul 20 to Sep 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb 13 to Mar 22, Apr 30 to Jun 8, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 1 to Jan. 4.Special Focus: If you were born between Dec. 17 and 22 then this will be a confusing year. You will be easily tempted and just as easily duped. The challenge will be to be sincere and keep things as self-reliant as possible. Problems will escalate due to co-dependencies. Avoid making promises or relying on the promises of others.


2024 will be a progressive year for Capricorns. Opportunities for advancement and profit will arise spontaneously. Innovative initiatives will meet with support. The only requirement will be to stay disciplined and keep up with any time demands made of you. This will be a relatively easy going year.

Your most stressful times will be from Apr 30 to Jun 8, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar 22 to Apr 30, and from Jun 8 to Jul 20. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 4 to Feb 13, when Mars traverses   Capricorn.Special Focus: If you were born on Jan. 19 or 20 then there will still be some confronting situations that will require your attention. You will need to be honest and hold your ground. Face whatever challenge comes. The confrontations will come between Jan. 1 and 20, and between Sept. 1 and Nov.19.


Misunderstandings will be increasing around you. You will need to think clearly and adjust our outlook. Do not cast blame. Work towards a compromise or a new perspective. If differences are irreconcilable, let go and move away. Do not throw good energy after bad. There will be some unstable forces around you.

Your most stressful times will be from Jun 8 to Jul 20, and from Nov 3 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 4, Apr 30 to Jun 8, and from Jul 20 to Sep 4. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Feb 13 to Mar 22, when Mars traverses Aquarius.

Special Focus: If you were born between Feb. 8 and 17 then 2024 will be an unstable year. There will be sudden and unexpected upsets. Worries will escalate and sleeping will not come easily. You are probably holding on to someone or something that no longer belongs in your life. As soon as you let go, your worries will fade away and you will start to sleep easily.


2024 will be a positive year but you will have to get serious and narrow down your options to ones that will actually work. You will need to define your goals and stay disciplined in pursuing them. Sticking to a schedule will pay off for you. If you build it they will come. Don’t back off! Make the effort!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, Jul 10 to Aug 27 and from Jul. 29 to Sep. 14. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 4 to Feb 13, Jun 8 to Jul 20, and from Sep 4 to Nov 3. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Mar 22 to Apr 30, when Mars traverses Pisces.

Special Focus: If you were born between March 15 and 20 then this will be a year of great expectations. You will have grand visions and will be ready for new adventures. The challenge with great visions, is how much of them can you ground or make real. Can you back up the visions with commitment and preparation?


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. www.rasa.ws

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, you can contact Robin through his webstore www.iastrostore.com .

Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong.

Robin has a new site on Trigrams and Astrology.




ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 

2023 will be the luckiest year in twelve years. Jupiter will travel through Aries in the first six months. Opportunities will be knocking. You need to reach out and take advantage of them. It will be a good year to travel, start a business, move or even get pregnant, if you are trying. New beginnings hold big promise. If negative this will be a time of overindulgence and excess. Make the most of the first half of the year.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 25 to May 20, and from Aug 27 to Oct 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, May 20 to Jul 10, Aug 27 to Oct 11, and from Nov 24 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aries.

Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between Apr. 18 and 20 then 2023 will be a year of reality checks. Confrontations will force you to be brutally truthful. This is not the time to run away from discord but rather to hold onto your truth and face it head on. Take a stand and let the chips fall where they may. The theme is truth and consequences. Don’t expect sympathy.

TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21

Jupiter will move into Taurus for the last six months of 2023. This will be a time when your luck should improve. The opportunities that will work best for you are the ones you have been preparing for. Your efforts will start to pay off. Promotions and moves are likely. New adventures should be embraced. It will be a good time to travel.

Your most stressful times will be from May 20 to Jul 10, and from Oct 11 to Nov 24.  Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 25 to May 20, and Jul 10 to Aug 27. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Taurus.

Special Focus: If you were born between May 5 and 14, then 2023 will be an exciting year when independent improvement will bring excitement and adventure. It is time for you to learn new tricks. This could be more independence in a relationship or finding a new type of work. Opportunities will be knocking and you will likely take one of them. Inertia will generate anxiety.

GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

The dilemma of Geminis in 2023 will be in determining what is superficial and what is  sincere. Judgements about what appears negative will arise easily. Aligning with what is positive and worthy will be more difficult. Simple acts of kindness will work wonders for you. Exaggerated idealism could lead to embarrassment.

Your most stressful times will be from Jul 10 to Aug 27, and from Nov 24 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from May 20 to Jul 10, Aug 27 to Oct 11, and from Nov 24 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 1 to Mar. 25.

Special Focus: If you were born between May 21 and 27 then this will be a year of increasing time demands. You will need to adjust your goals. Or at least make a commitment to what you want to work on. This will demand some sweat equity. Take care of your own responsibilities.


2023 will be a year when your outlook on the world changes. A new understanding is dawning. This is not the time to be rigid or hardheaded! Once you adjust your perspective new opportunities will come your way. A positive outlook will get rid of the losers in your life and it will improve the relationships you have.

Your most stressful times will be from Aug 27 to Oct 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Jul 10 to Aug 27, and from Oct 11 to Nov 24. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Mar. 25 to May 20.

Special Focus: If you were born between July 20 and 23 you will run into confrontations, or at least one. There will be a power struggle and you will be challenged to take a stand for what you know in your heart is true. Don’t expect sympathy! Tough love may be required of you.


The first half of 2023 will be a lucky time for Leos. The limitations of the last two years will be lifting  and a new enthusiastic spontaneity will surface. The first half of the year will be better than the last half. In the last half you will be inclined to exaggerate and overdo yourself. Make good use of the first half but try to remain humble and cautious for the last half of the year.

Your most stressful times will be from Oct 11 to Nov 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, Aug 27 to Oct 11, and from Nov 24to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between May 20 to Jul 10.

Special Focus: If you were born between Aug. 14 and 23 then your confidence will be low. You will need to bide your time for the winter and wait until the pressure starts to lift in the spring. Then one step at a time your confidence will return. Old restrictions will begin to fall away and a new momentum will become apparent.


The expectations and belief systems of the past few years will start to lose their glamour in 2023. You will have to be more practical. You will feel hemmed in and held back, but you have too much to lose to just run away or quit. Bide your time! Adding an extra skill might help in the long run. Be prepared to work hard.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, and from Nov 24 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 25 to May 20, and from Oct 11 to Nov 24. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jul 10 to Aug 27.

Special Focus: If you were born in August 23 and 30 you will feel the weight of responsibility on your back. You will be tired of doing the same old thing. Work will be tedious and authority will not work in your favour. Something will feel missing, and you need to do some training or studying to improve your options. Wait for the pressure to lift before starting big adventures.


2023 will be a year of realignment for most Libras. You have been doing things with the same outlook for six years. This year you will have to turn it around. Instead of doing things and seeing where they lead to, you will have to see where they lead to before you do them. Once you figure this out many  new opportunities will come your way.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 25 to May 20. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, May 20 to Jul 10, and from Nov 24to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Aug 27 to Oct 11.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct. 21 and 23 then 2023 will force you to do an audit of your life. You will need to get rid of the blocks to your progress and make room for the return of harmonious communications. Face what needs to be faced and stand up for your truth. Then let the chips fall where they may!


The time demands and restraints in your life will start to lift and get easier to manage. This will make you lighten up a bit, but there will still be anxieties. People and circumstances will not be stable around you. Some will break away. Once you have let go of the whoever or whatever no longer belongs, you will start to smile again.

Your most stressful times will be from May 20 to Jul 10. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 25 to May 20, and from Jul 10 to Aug 27. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Oct 11 to Nov 24.

Special Focus:

If you were born on October 23 or 24 confrontations will surface this springtime. Whatever is not real can no longer be embraced. This is a wakeup call that you are probably afraid to answer. Answer it and deal with the consequences. You need to restore your sense of trust in people that deserve it and in yourself!


New horizons will open up in 2023 but responsibilities and time demands will increase. You will feel held back by the time demands and this will feed a sense of insecurity. Don’t run from the old demands. Complete them. This year will be a big turning point. It will turn at its own good time.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, and from Jul 10 to Aug 27. Your most harmonious times will be from May 20 to Jul 10, and from Aug 27 to Oct 11. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Nov 24 to Dec 31.

Special Focus: If you are a Sagittarius and were born in November then 2023 will be a difficult year. It will start out overactive and overextended for the first three months. By spring you will start to get more serious and you will have to work hard to stabilize your life and feel that you are on a progressive track. You are, but you just have to put in the effort  to prove it!


2023 will be a year where you need to learn how to unwind a little. After many years of stress and intense controls, a new era is dawning. You need to learn  how to relax and also how to get out and about without being over controlled, A little bit of adventure and risk is in order. Maybe travelling for a vacation.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 25 to May 20 and from Aug 27 to Oct 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Jul 10 to Aug 27, and from Oct 11 to Nov 24. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Capricorn.

Special Focus: If you were born between Jan. 18 and 20 then there will still be an excess of controls and confrontations. You will need to be truthful, and stand up for what you know is true. Someone is likely to be challenging you. Don’t expect sympathy. Don’t run away. Take your stand and stick to it. This phase will be completed by year’s end.


In 2023 some of the restrictions around you will be lifting. The excitement around you will still be highly volatile and unstable. If you don’t set yourself up you will not be brought down. Unexpected letdowns from others are likely. Once you let go of what no longer belongs you will be able to laugh again.

Your most stressful times will be from May 20 to Jul 10 and from Oct 11 to Nov 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, Aug 27 to Oct 11, and from Nov 24 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aquarius.

Special Focus:

If you were born on Jan 20 or 21 you can expect a confrontation sometime between February and July. Someone or something will challenge your interpretation of things. This will be a confirmation that what you know is true. You need to stand up for what you know to be true. If it is not true then you deserve what you get.


After years of visions and big dreams, 2023 will be the year when you have to start working hard to make them happen. First you will have to decide which of the visions are worth putting extra time and effort into. Once you have defined your goals significant progress will develop.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Mar. 25, Jul 10 to Aug 27 and from Jul. 29 to Sep. 14. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, and from Nov 24 to Dec 31, Sag. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Pisces.

Special Focus: If you were born between February 19 and 26 then these will be the days of decision. You will need to get serious about what you want to do. Be prepared to put in extra effort. If you do not make a decision you will end up falling behind in your projects and struggling to catch up.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. www.rasa.ws

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, you can contact Robin through his webstore www.iastrostore.com .

Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong.


ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 

Most Aries will be moving forward into 2022 with a rebuilt confidence. What didn’t kill you made you stronger. This will be a year of personal strength. You will take initiatives without running into obstacles or obstructions. While many others are impaired and vulnerable, you will follow your impulses.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 24 to Mar. 6. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, Mar. 6 to Apr. 14, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between May 24 to Jul. 5.

Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between Apr. 16 and 20 you will have challenges to face. This will be a year of tough love and facing the truth. It may not be pretty but the truth will set you free. No one can pay off your old karma but you. Don’t expect sympathy. Deal with things and get them over with.

TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21

2022 will be a year for Taureans to make a serious effort to minimize insecurity. There will be a fight between freedom and responsibility. Responsible freedom is what you need. Some caution will be needed to moderate the changes. Be patient. A little work will be better than no work. Every breakthrough that occurs will require a lot of effort to ground it. Timing is important.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 6 to Apr. 14.  Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 24 to Mar. 6, and from Apr. 14 to May 24. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jul. 5 to Aug 20.

Special Focus: If you were born between May 1 and 10, then 2022 will be a high strung year with little tolerance for the demands of authority. This will put the focus more on independent excitement than on responsibility. If there is something that you really want to do, just do it! You can work to pay off the debt a little later, but at least you will have had your adventure.

GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

2022 will be a year when your initiatives will generate mixed signals. Things will get very complicated if you don’t perceive the repercussions of what you are doing, before you do them. Misunderstandings will likely increase, and the more you can minimize them the better it will be for you. Simple sincere action will be enough. Don’t pontificate or try to explain! Don’t take risks with other people’s resources.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, and from Apr. 14 to May 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, Mar. 6 to Apr. 14, and from May 24 to Jul. 5. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Aug 20 to Dec 31.

Special Focus: If you were born between Jun. 11 and 17 then this will be a year of great expectations and multiple temptations. Your sense of discrimination will be lacking, and your alignments will become questionable. The challenge here will be to keep things simple and self reliant. The less other people mind your business and you theirs, the easier it will be.


For Cancers 2022 will be a year of good instincts and trustworthy alignments. You will naturally know who is right and who is wrong. Your energy will likely flow to the positive. The darkness in the world has done what it did. It will not have a stronger hold on you. A little consideration and kindness on your part will have significant repercussions.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 24 to Mar. 6, and from May 24 to Jul. 5.    Your most harmonious times will be from Apr. 14 to May 24, and from Jul. 5 to Aug 20. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Cancer.

Special Focus: If you were born between July 19 and 23 there will still be dark forces around you. Do not let your defenses down. You might have to stand up and deal with a confrontation. Don’t surrender! If you face your challenges head on, the anger and frustration will not have such a strong hold on your future.


2022 will be another year of restraint and reflection. You are far way from your true confidence and probably hemmed in by the limitations of the past. Many options will come encouraging you to break away. Don’t! You have too much to lose! Bide your time! Wait  until it is in your best interest to move on. A little studying will increase your confidence in a happier future.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 6 to Apr. 14, and from Jul. 5 to Aug 20. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, May 24 to Jul. 5, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Leo.

Special Focus: If you were born between Aug. 3 and 18 then the forces of freedom and responsibility will be maintaining pressure in your life. Slow down! Hurry up! This can cause bouts of depression and bouts of anxiety. This is not the best time to take the lead. Avoid big schemes. Defense wins championships!


If you can keep your calm when so many in the world are losing any presence of common sense. Do not get pulled into the schemes around you. Do not make big investments. Be humble, self-reliant and as invisible as you can be. Don’t try to explain. Avoid promises. Keep busy within your own circle of affairs.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, Apr. 14 to May 24, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 24 to Mar. 6, and from Jul. 5 to Aug 20. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Virgo.

Special Focus: If you were born in Sep. 7 and 17 you will be particularly gullible and vulnerable to big schemes and dreams. Temptation will surround you. Maintain a low profile and don’t get pulled in! It is kind of like in ghostbusters movie when it was said “Don’t think of anything!” No expectations will be best. Silence will be golden!


You will need an optimistic outlook and positive thinking  in 2022. Do not let negative or hateful thoughts darken your light. Don’t worry! Look into the light! Smile when you meet people and work to enhance their confidence and positivity. Good cheer and good light will remove pessimism and fear. Smile on sweet Librans!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 24 to Mar. 6, and from May 24 to Jul. 5. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, Mar. 6 to Apr. 14, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Libra.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct. 19 and 23 then 2022 will be a year when you hold the sword of truth. Be careful, it can cut both ways. You will face confrontations and must take a stand for what is true. Make an audit of your life and cut out what is not good for you. To yourself be true!


The battle between freedom and responsibility will rage on for Scorpios in 2022. Strong statements of independence will create vulnerabilities. Heavy responsibilities will feel oppressive. The challenge here will be to moderate, and if you are going to err, err on the side of caution.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 6 to Apr. 14, and from Jul. 5 to Aug 20. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 24 to Mar. 6, and from Apr. 14 to May 24. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Scorpio.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Nov. 12 and 17 you will be securing your foundation, trying to limit your vulnerability to sudden shocks and letdowns. If you were born between Nov 3 and 12 then you will experience significant anxiety until you let go of what not longer belongs. Do not throw good energy after bad.


In 2022 Sagittarians will encounter misunderstandings. You will be at odds with the morals and principles of those around you. The puzzle of proper alignment and the value of good company will surface. This will not be a good time to get caught up in extreme social movements.

Your most stressful times will be from Apr. 14 to May 24, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 6 to Apr. 14, and from May 24 to Jul. 5. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 1 to Jan. 24.

Special Focus: If you were born between Dec. 13 and 18 then confusion and sorrow will hover throughout 2022. Big schemes and fanaticism will create sorrow if indulged. This will be a year to be self-reliant and aloof. The more invisible you are the better it will be. Do not try to lead or follow. When there is fog, one must of necessity slow down.


2022 will start out smoothly for most Capricorns and you will be able to make progress. It will seem as if you are in tune with the times. Make the most of the first of the first five months because the tide will turn in May, after which you will be struggling to understand and could make errors of judgement.

Your most stressful times will be from May 24 to Jul. 5. Your most harmonious times will be from Apr. 14 to May 24, and from Jul. 5 to Aug 20. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 24 to Mar. 6.

Special Focus: If you were born between Jan. 17 and 20 then there will be a tough love scenario going on. You will have to control what is yours in the face of blatant opposition. Don’t surrender! Take a truthful stand and let the chips fall where they may. Your meditation for this year will be two words….so what!


The fight between freedom and obligation continues to rage. Freedom will have extreme costs and bring vulnerabilities to the surface. Obligations will increase responsibilities and the demands made on your time. Make the necessary effort to be  prepared. Defense wins championships!

Your most stressful times will be from Jul. 5 to Aug 20. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, May 24 to Jul. 5, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Mar. 6 and Apr. 14.

Special Focus: If you are an Aquarius and were born in January then new opportunities for advancement will come in 2022. The plans and efforts made in the last year will begin to pay off. This will be an easier and more productive year. It will be better than you have had in several years. As the summer comes be prepared to reach out and travel.


2022 will be a year of significant visions and adventures. The eyes will see further than the feet can walk. There will be a tendency to go to extremes or to magnify ones personal sense of justification. Opportunities to travel should be taken. With Jupiter in Pisces this will be the most opportune time in 12 years. When Lady Luck smiles on you, it is not the time to close your eyes.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 3 to Apr. 23, and from Jul. 29 to Sep. 14. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 24, and from Aug 20 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Apr. 14 to May 24.

Special Focus: If you were born between Mar 12 and 16 then you will be seeing things like never before. This has the potential to be a visionary and very creative year. If you don’t trust your visions this year, when will you! Every vision one gets will probably require years of work to make real. But significant progress can happen this year with some personal effort.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains an international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws which covers all tuition fees.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, you can contact Robin through his webstore www.iastrostore.com .

Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes.

On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong.


Web Sites for Robin Armstrong


I Ching Links

How to use your horoscope to access the I Ching. The 64 Hexagrams as a Zodiac of 64 divisions.

The relationship of the three main cycles: the year(sun), the month (moon) and the day (earth) to both the I Ching and astrology.

A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. The mystical Great Treatise that explains the inner depths of the I Ching is also here. www.ichi-ng.com

A new interpretation of the I Ching Hexagrams. References to the Superior Man have been removed. In its place the accentuation is on the individual. One does this, one does that, one remains free of blame! www.iching-hexagrams.com

A collection of cosmic connections to the I Ching. How numbers, the Kabbalah, and the seven rays relate to the I Ching, and to many other systems of understanding.



On this site you will find applications of the I Ching to rhythm, melody and to chanting. This takes the I Ching interpretations beyond the realm of words.


This website is my resume!


2021 Yearly Predictions

Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 


In 2019 instabilities will lift, but the weight of responsibilities will increase. Necessity will rule. Do not expect favours  from those in authority. Some travelling will release the pressure and open new opportunities, but you will be forced to wait for any extra benefits. Take care of the most difficult things first and it will free up some time for enjoyment.


Your most stressful times will be from May16 to Jul. 1, and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 31 to May 16, and from Jul. 1 to Aug. 18. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 1 to Feb. 14 when Mars travels through Aries.


Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between Apr. 18 and 20 the winter will find you vulnerable to sudden let downs or unexpected changes. This will also be an accident-prone time. When you have let go of what no longer belongs, the worries will fall away. By Springtime you will start to be yourself again. Once free, do not look back!


Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21


In 2019 life looks pretty good for Taureans. You should be able to handle any challenges that arise with relative ease. Responsibilities will also be dealt with calmly. There will be no major confrontations arising, but there will be a growing sense of wanting to live differently and start something new.


Your most stressful times will be from Jul.1 to Aug. 18, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from May 16 to Jul. 1, and from Aug. 18 to Oct. 4. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Feb. 14 to Mar. 31 when Mars travels through Taurus.


Special Focus: If you were born between Apr.20 and 27, 2019 will prove to be a year of sudden and significant change. You will need to take steps towards a new and more independent life. As long as you resist, there will be some anxiety, but as soon as you go with the change your circumstances will improve.


Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21


2019 will be a year of excessive exaggeration for most Geminis. There will be too many opportunities and not enough contentment. You will be gullible and perhaps blinded by your own sense of what is right. If you don’t set yourself up, you may not be brought down. A little discrimination will help you to navigate through the options around you.


Your most stressful times will be from Aug.18 to Oct. 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, Jul. 1to Aug. 18, and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Mar. 31 to May 16 when Mars travels through Gemini.


Special Focus: If you were born between Jun. 4 and 9 then this will be a year of deviation. It will be difficult for you to be consistent or reliable. You are also not likely to attract reliable associates. You may not realize that you are walking in a fog. Slow down and do not over invest in your dreams. Keep things simple and strive for self-reliance.


Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon
Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




In 2019 Saturn will be opposing your Sun making you feel hemmed in by responsibilities. Expect increasing time demands and less time for personal enjoyment. You will not likely be happy with the work you are doing and you will think about quitting. However, you have too much to lose, and need to be patient. Perhaps you could consider some retaining as an investment for the future.


 Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb.14 to Mar. 31, Aug. 18 to Oct. 4, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between May 16 to Jul. 1 when Mars travels through Cancer.


Special Focus: If you were born between July 12 and 14 then this will be a year of confrontations. Someone will likely go against your expectations. Do not expect sympathy. This will be a year of tough love and harsh reality. This will be no time to sell out or run away. Do an audit of your life. Take a truthful stand and let the chips fall where they may!


Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified
Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


LEO: JULY 23  –  AUGUST 23


If you maintain your responsibilities and do not fall behind, then you will be regarded well and opportunities for advancement will arise spontaneously. This will be a good year to travel and to start new enterprises. It will not be a good year for sudden or radical investments. A conservative approach will work best.


Your most stressful times will be from Feb. 14to Mar. 31, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, Mar. 31 to May 16 , and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19.Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jul. 1 to Aug. 18 when Mars travels through Leo.


Special Focus: If you are a Leo and were born between July 23 and 30 then this will be a year of high anxiety and general instability. You will likely be let down by someone close to you. If you speculate you will attract sudden and significant losses. This will not be a good year to take risks, but you will have to let go of something or someone.


Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




Work and respect will come easily to Virgos this year as long as you maintain your commitments. There will be many temptations that will arise encouraging you to escape or reach beyond. This will not be a good year to act on them. Keep things simple and avoid big schemes.


Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 31 to May 16. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb. 14 to Mar. 31, May 16 to Jul. 1, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Aug. 18 to Oct. 4 when Mars travels through Virgo.


 Special Focus: If you are a Virgo and were born in August then you will avoid the temptations and the big schemes. 2019 will be a positive and innovative year for you. The craziness of the last few years will begin to settle. You will see more clearly and will no longer suffer due to great expectations.


Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




2019 will be more stable for Librans, but there will also be more time demands and responsibilities to take care of. In general this will be a hard working busy year. Short term pain  for long term gain! There will be opportunities to travel and party, but not excessively. You will have to keep busy, to consolidate what you have already set in motion.


Your most stressful times will be from Jan.1 to Feb. 14, and from May 16 to Jul. 1. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 31 to May 16, and from Jul. 1 to Aug. 18. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Oct. 4 to Nov. 19 when Mars travels through Libra.


Special Focus: If you were born between Oct. 14 and 16 there will be a power struggle about relations ships. Someone will stand up against your ideas, or they may try to impose their own ideas on you. Don’t sellout!Hold on to your own truth. Don’t try to explain! If you don’t have something good to say, then  just be silent!


Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




2019 will be a year of significant and steady progress. Projects set in motion last year will develop steadily. Being consistent will get you noticed and gain you respect. Any efforts you make will produce reasonable results. There is no need to gamble. Benefits gained will come from efforts made.


 Your most stressful times will be from Feb.14 to Mar. 31, and from Jul. 1 to Aug. 18. Your most harmonious times will be from May 16 to Jul. 1, and from Aug. 18 to Oct. 4. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Nov. 19 to the end of the year when Mars travels through Scorpio.


Special Focus: If you are a Scorpio and were born in October,then this will be a very unstable year for you. Expect the unexpected. You will be prone to sudden let downs and inconsistent performance. You will need to let go of something that no longer belongs. As soon as this is done, you will regain confidence and begin to rebuild. Don’t speculate!


Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




Jupiter will be in Sagittarius making 2019 one of the luckiest years in twelve. Opportunities for advancement, to travel, get a new home, or add a member to the family are all likely. The main problems will come from being over-confident and relying on the promises or good intentions of others.


Your most stressful times will be from Mar.31 to May 16, and from Aug. 18 to Oct. 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, Jul. 1 to Aug. 18, and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Sagittarius.


Special Focus: If you born between Dec. 6 and 11 then this will be a particularly gullible year. You will be inclined to feel either messianic or confused. The secret to getting through this year is to avoid big schemes and expectations. This year silence will be golden. Keep things simple and self-reliant. Make no promises! Don’t try to explain!


Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




2019 will be a year for Capricorns to make decisions and commitments. You will make progress by working hard and keeping busy. Consistent effort will lead to consistent progress. Your powers of listen will be particularly enhanced. Music will provide a more than adequate way to relax.


Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, May 16 to Jul. 1, and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb. 14 to Mar. 31, Aug. 18 to Oct. 4, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year.  There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Capricorn.


Special Focus: If you are a Capricorn and were born in December then this will be a relatively easy going year with little or no extreme pressure. Maintain your work, plan for the future, and for a good holiday! You should be able to take the entire year in stride. Common sense and consistency will win respect!


Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




2019 will be a positive year for most Aquarians. Opportunities will come your way spontaneously. This will be a good year to travel and extend your social connections. The key will be to do things with others rather than by oneself. Do something for others and it will magnify what others will do for you.


Your most stressful times will be from Feb. 14 to Mar. 31, Jul. 1 to Aug. 18, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Feb. 14, Mar. 31 to May 16, and from Oct. 4 to Nov. 19. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aquarius.


Special Focus: If you are an Aquarius and were born between January 20 and 28 then you will run into unexpected problems. Someone will probably let you down or go a different way than you think is good for them.There is no sense in being too stubborn. You will not win this battle directly.You will need to let go of your expectations and attachments. Once you have let go, your sense of calm will return. The more you hold on, the more anxious you will be.


Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams




2019 will be a year of big dreams and too many opportunities. The problems will come from too much, or too many! It will be easy for you to convince yourself that you are right, even when you are not. This may make you a little messianic. The secret for this year is to keep your visions, but don’t try to pull others into them. If you don’t set yourself up,you will be less likely to be brought down.


Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 31 to May 16, and from Aug. 18 to Oct. 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb.14 to Mar. 31, May 16 to Jul. 1, and from Nov. 19 to the end of the year. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Pisces.


Special Focus: If you are a Pisces and were born in March then you will be prone to exaggeration. You will magnify the importance of everything. Misunderstandings and co-dependencies will gather around you. Make an extra effort to keep things simple. Do not try to explain yourself. With regards to speculation or gambling….DON’T! Even with secure investments, do not take risks.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains a generous international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.


For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, phone (416) 577-2331 or email at info@iastro.com .



Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 

2018 will represent a year when you stop pushing for freedom or excitement. There will be an  increasing need for you to slow down a little and manage your responsibilities. For every ounce of freedom that you have, there will be 5 ounces of responsibilities required to secure and maintain them. Don’t worry! Just be prepared to work hard.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 17 to May 16, and from Aug 13 to Sep 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 26 to Mar. 17, May 16 to Aug 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Gemini.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aries born between Apr. 15 and 2 you will be pushing hard for independence for the first half of the year. Great excitement and restlessness will prevail until May. This is a breakthrough time for you, but the last half of the year will more down to earth. You have panted the seeds. After June you will have to manage the garden.


Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21

2018 will be a year of significant change for most Taureans starting around your birthday. You will need to adapt your understanding. For six years it has been action first and understanding later. The next six years you will have to understand the implications before you act. Stick to what is right and your circumstances will improve.

Your most stressful times will be from from Jan. 1 to 26, from May 16 to Aug. 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov. 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 17 to May 16, and from Aug. 13 to Sept. 11. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Taurus.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Apr. 20 and 23 the 2018 will be an year when you will leave the past behind. New adventures will be calling you to take a risk and move forward. If you resist you will increase your anxiety. You are at a point when your true genius could emerge. Let go  of what no longer belongs and move forward.


Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

Two years of setbacks and restrictions are now finished! Your circumstances should start to calm down and become easier. It will be more difficult for you to stay focused and you will run into many more temptations. Don’t chase after more than you can handle! Try to maintain self reliance. Don’t explain!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 26 to Mar. 17, and from Nov. 15 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from May 16 to Aug 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Gemini.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Jun. 2 and 6 then this will be a year of temptation. Many dreams will present themselves. Most will not be real or worthy. Gambling or drinking could escalate and increase difficulties. Avoid big schemes. Keep things simple and do not rely on or make promises.


Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon

Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


In 2018 Cancers will feel hemmed in and restricted by the accumulated commitments of the past. Pressures will increase from issues about authority and from people in authority. You have too much to lose to run away, but will feel depressed about the pressure. Bide your time! You probably need to consider some retraining. Don’t increase commitments you don’t really want.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 17 to May 16, and from Aug. 13 to Sept. 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 26, and from Nov. 15 to the end of the year. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Cancer.

Special Focus:

If you were born between July 18 and 23 then this will be a year of big shocks and disruptions, Someone will probably let  you down. You will probably be holding on to some  negative situation or person. This will increase worries. Do not expect to save others. Save yourself. Move away and let go of whatever, or whoever, no longer belongs. The more you hold on, the more anxious you will be.


Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified

Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23  –  AUGUST 23

2018 will be a year that challenges the comprehension capacity of most Leos. There will be  a tendency to over estimate ones sense of self  importance. Arrogance and speculation could easily lead to sudden losses or setbacks. You will be inclined to exaggerate and over extend. It is hard for a Leo to be humble, but this year it is worth striving for.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 26,  May 16 to Aug 13, and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 6 to May 28, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Leo.

Special Focus:

If you are a Leo and were born between July 23 and 26 your confidence will be challenged from May to the end of the year. Something or someone will likely fall away. Do not try to hold on! Let go! Success will come in small matters but not likely in big ones. If you don’t set yourself up, you will not be so likely to fall.


Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2018 will be an easier year for most Virgos than 2017! It will be easier for you to manage responsibilities and make progress. Obstacles will start too fall away, not quickly but steadily. There will be temptations to get involved in questionable adventures, but you should hold to self reliance and maintain your integrity.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 26 to Mar. 17, and from Nov. 15 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 26, Mar. 17 to May 16, and from  Aug. 13 to Sept. 11. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Virgo.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Sept. 4 and 8 then this will be a year when you will be very gullible. If you are not sincere you will attract unreliable people and could be deceived. You could also deceive others. This is a year for you to be true to your consciousness. Some volunteer or social work could help you to restore faith in yourself. Keep things simple!


Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


In 2018 sudden changes and shocks are much less likely to occur. Some stability will return but with it will come an increasing workload. You will not be able to rely on sheer luck this year, but you will make progress by managing your projects better. This will be a conservative year that will demand self-discipline and efficiency.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 17 to May 16, and from Aug. 13 to Sept. 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 26 to Mar. 17, May 16 to Aug 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Libra.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Sept. 23 and 28 then the first five months of this year will be unstable. You will be walking on thin ice. You will need to downsize and let go of people and things. Once you get to June the shocks will subside and you will be able to expect some positive forward momentum. Don’t look back!



Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2018 will be the luckiest year in twelve, for most Scorpios. Jupiter in your sign will bring a new positive outlook and many new opportunities. This will be a good year for investments, relationships, and traveling. You will need to rise above old judgements and move towards new horizons. Opportunities will be knocking, Make sure that you open the door.

Your most stressful times will be from May 16 to Aug 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 17 to May 16, Aug. 13 to Sept. 11, and from Nov. 15 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 1 to Jan. 26 when Mars travels through Scorpio.

Special Focus:

If you are a Scorpio born between Oct 23 and 28 then you are probably trying to hold too much together and accomplish too much. Opportunities will work in your favour in the first five months of the year, but after that there will be sudden letdowns ot disruptions. Reach out for the first five months and then let go of what is no longer needed.


Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


The challenge for Sagittarians in 2018 will be one of sincerity and simplicity. Big schemes will still hover around you, but most of them will prove to be unreliable or unworthy. Be humble and keep things as self reliant as possible. You tendency to procrastinate or evade commitments could escalate and cause embarrassment. Two words will prove helpful this year: No Blame!

Your most stressful times will be from Nov. 15 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from May 16 to Aug 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 26 and Mar. 17 when Mars travels through Sagittarius.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Dec. 3 and 7 then 2018 will prove to be a year of significant gullibility. Many opportunities will arise but you will lack the discrimination to determine which are worthy and which are not. Any big scheme or dream will likely cause big sorrow or embarrassment. If something is truly real this year, it will still be real next year when your luck will be far more favourable.


Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2018 will be a year of significant commitments and increasing responsibility. Much can be accomplished if you remain disciplined and hard working. Great opportunities will come to one who is dependable and can complete projects. There will be little time to waste, however, opportunities will come as people want to align with you.

You will not have any most stressful times this year as Mars will not square or oppose your sun. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 26, and from Nov. 15 to Dec. 31.  Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Mar. 17 and May 16, and from Aug. 13 to Sept. 11 when Mars travels through Capricorn.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Jan. 15 and 20 then the first half of the year will prove to be very upsetting. Your plans will be disrupted and someone is likely to let you down. If someone prove unreliable let them go! Move on and don’t look back. Do not speculate and do not lean on others. If you don’t set yourself up, you won.t be brought down.


Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2018 will bring misunderstandings to the doorsteps of Aquarians. On the one hand you will assume that you can do too much and are more important than others. On the other hand, you could misunderstand the intentions of others. Do not compromise your principles for an easy gain. Be patient and listen well.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 26. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 26 to Mar. 17. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen  May 16 to Aug 13, and from Sept. 11 to Nov 15   when Mars travels through Aquarius.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aquarius and were born between January 20 and 23 then you will find anxieties increasing in the last half of the year. Significant progress can be made in the first half of the year, but you can expect upsets and let downs in the last half. Make the most the first half and back off in the second half.


Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2018 will be a year of smooth sailing and steady progress for most Pisceans. You will not run into any significant interference and opportunities will simply come you way without much effort on your part. Have faith in yourself! A positive attitude will have a remarkable effect on those around you.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 26 to Mar. 17. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 26, Mar. 17 to May 16, and from Aug. 13 to Sept. 11. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen Nov. 15 to the end of the year when Mars travels through Pisces.

Special Focus:

If you were born between March 3 and 7 then this will be a year of romance and big adventures. This is a time when you need to reach out for the dream. Your capacity to actualize you intention is high. Sincere consideration will increase your credibility and allow for even great enterprises to succeed.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains a generous international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, phone (416) 577-2331 or email at info@iastro.com .

For more information you can contact Robin by email ra@iastro.com or visit his website www.iastro.com . Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong.



Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 

In 2017 a new understanding will be assimilated. This will improve your alignment to others especially when responsibilities are involved. You will have a better sense of what things will lead to when you take an initiative. It will be important for you to stop reinforcing the dark side of the force. Don’t empower the opposition. Empower your own nobility!

Your most stressful times will be from Jun. 4 to Jul. 20, and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9  . Your most harmonious times will be from Apr. 21 to Jun. 4, and from Jul. 20 to Sept. 5. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 28  to Mar. 10  when Mars travels through Aries.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aries and were born between April 10 and 20 then 2017 will be a very exciting year. It is possible for you to find a new direction in life and quickly change your life. Much will depend on how prepared you are. This probably means that some people and situations will be suddenly left behind so that you can truly move forward. Let go! Don’t look back!

Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21

2017 will be a stable year for most Taureans. There will be no major stressful aspects from the outer planets. This means a year of relatively stable status quo. You will hold steady on the course you have taken and in the process you will improve your confidence. There will be no big ups or downs, just a relatively smooth flowing year.

Your most stressful times will be from Jul. 20 to Sept. 5, and from Dec. 9 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, Jun. 4 to Jul. 20, and from Sept. 5 to Oct. 22. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Mar. 10 to Apr. 21 when Mars travels through Taurus.

Special Focus:

If you are a Taurus and were born between Apr. 29 and May 9 then you will seem to float along this year. You will have a romantic or artistic outlook and a spontaneous capacity for accomplishing things. There will be no need to get stressed out. This will be a year of smooth moves and easy recognition. You will be in a good position to attract what you need.

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

2017 will be a year of distorted priorities unless you can keep things very simple and self-reliant. There will be an evasive quality in your relationship to authority. There will be a need to complete the commitments you have started. Ambition will probably be weak this year. Don’t make big promises or big investments. Be discriminating about the people you associate with. Consider retraining or adding a new skill.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, and from Sept. 5 to Oct. 22. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 28  to Mar. 10, from Jul. 20 to Sept. 5, and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Apr. 21 to Jun. 4 when Mars travels through Taurus.

Special Focus:

If your birthday is between Jun. 12 and 21 then this will be a difficult year where you will feel hemmed in and restricted…..even bored. This will be a karmic year for you. You will have too much to lose to run away but you will no longer want to do what you are doing. You will need to bide your time and slowly work towards a new direction. Big commitments this year will tend to stifle you.

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon

Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams



In 2017 you should take care of the little things and let the big things take care of themselves. Do not fester over things you cannot control, or things that are not your business. Not everyone will live up to your expectations, in fact someone might let you down. The challenge here is to protect your personal dreams and keep your visions alive in personal ways.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 28  to Mar. 10, and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, Mar. 10 to Apr. 21, Sept. 5 to Oct. 22 and from Dec. 9 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jun. 4 to Jul. 20 when Mars travels through Cancer


Special Focus:

If you were born between July 13 and 23 then 2017 will be a year of many changes. Circumstances around you will change quickly and you will need to let go of whatever no longer belongs. Don’t look back! You are being freed from your own attachments. A new outlook is dawning, but it will take most of the year before it settles in. Try to embrace new perspectives and apply them to your life.

Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified

Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23  –  AUGUST 23

2017 will be a positive year for Leos. You should be able to take your responsibilities and deal with them in an innovative and even exciting way. The secret to succeeding here will be to maintain a positive approach and be supportive of the efforts of others. A little excitement can make dealing with work much easier. Do things for the team!

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 10 to Apr. 21, and from Dec. 9 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 28  to Mar. 10, form Apr. 21 to Jun. 4 and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jul. 20 to Sept. 5 when Mars travels through Leo.

Special Focus:

If you are a Leo and were born in July, then your social life will be highlighted this year. You will need to expand your activities and do things with more people. Try to increase the circle of your associations and friends. Spend a little extra time reinforcing them. Remember birthdays. Social outreach will work in your favour.

Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


The main challenge for most Virgos in 2017 will come from poorly defined boundaries. You will be inclined to be over sincere or the opposite. A little hard work towards a worthy cause or person will win respect although it may not be apparent. Movement towards what is unworthy, will attract unreliable people and scandal. Do not try to explain. Silence will prove to be golden!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, Apr. 21 to Jun. 4, and Dec. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, and from May 28 to Aug. 22. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Sept. 5 to Oct. 22 when Mars travels through Virgo.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Sept. 13 and 23 then 2017 will be a year when you will feel the weight of responsibility. You need to be prepared to work hard and make the necessary effort without aversion. If you get bored, you should work harder to complete what you have started before you let it go. 2017 will be year when listening clearly and waiting patiently will be in your best interest.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2017 will be a year of great promise and potential good luck. Yes, there will be some adversity and some unexpected twists and turns, but an understanding free of guilt will make significant gains. There will be a need to stay focused on the path ahead and on what is right. Opportunities will come your way and you will need to have the clarity to know when to reach out and take advantage of them. Try to make wise choices!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 28 to Mar. 10, and from Jun. 4 to Jul. 20. Your most harmonious times will be from Apr. 21 to Jun. 4, and from Jul. 20 to Sept. 5. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Oct. 22 to Dec. 9 when Mars travels through Libra.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct. 13 and 23 then this will be a year of unexpected changes. You will need to make sudden adjustments to your plans. Someone around you may let you down, or you could suddenly pull away from someone. The emphasis should be on letting go of what no longer belongs. In the long run, it will free you. In the short term, it will challenge your confidence. This too will pass. Let it go!

Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2017 will be a year of steady progress. Being both sincere and reliable will open the gateway to advancement. Little acts of kindness will win hearts. Being trustworthy is your inherent forte. This is a year when you will hold steady and be able to help others. The secret lies in not making harsh or angry judgements. Control your anger and you will be able to control the world!

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 10 to Apr. 21, and from Jul. 20 to Sept. 5. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, Jun. 4 to Jul. 20, and from Sept. 5 to Oct. 22. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen from Dec. 9 to the end of the year when Mars travels through Scorpio.

Special Focus:

Those of you born between Nov. 6 and 15 will have to make an extra effort to be responsible this year. If you slack off worries and doubts will increase. Work through your depressions! Don’t fester on them. They will tell you what you must accomplish. Inhibition is the cause of ambition! Keep busy! Don’t allow inertia to settle in.

Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Good intentions and great expectations will surface in 2017. They will lead to a significant definition of your goals. They will show you what you have to work towards. If you try to escape from any responsibilities, or expect others to do them for you, then sorrow or confusion will follow. Make a significant effort for self-reliance especially within relationships.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, Apr. 21 to Jun. 4, and from Jul. 20 to Sept. 5. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 28  to Mar. 10, Jul. 20 to Sept. 5, and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Sagittarius.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Dec. 1 and 5 then you will be likely looking through rose tinted glasses at the world around you. There will be a general fog surrounding you, impairing your perspective. Be careful about big schemes or investments. When there is a fog, one needs to slow down a little and secure one’s foundation as much as possible. Don’t make promises, or rely on the promises or gossip of others. Don’t explain!

Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


In 2017 the more attention you draw to yourself, the more unstable your world will get. This is a year when progress will come from self-control, self-discipline and silence. There will be some power struggles going on around you. Do not give the opponents any extra energy. Stay alert but don’t force issues. Good music will keep you calm!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 28  to Mar. 10, Jun. 4 to Jul. 20, and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 28, Mar. 10 to Apr. 21, Sept. 5 to Oct. 22, and from Dec. 9 to the end of the year. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Capricorn.

Special Focus:

If you were born between January 10 and 20 then Murphy’s Law will seem to rule this year. Big changes are likely and you must be ready to make quick adjustments to your plans. This is a year when you will need to let go of whatever or whoever no longer belongs. This is no time to be rigid or defensive. Let go of whatever increases your anxiety or be prepared to juggle your priorities.

Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


In 2017 your best opportunities and rewards will come from sharing with others. This will be a good year for writing, publishing and travelling. Quality of association should prevail over quantity. Exposure to cultural or artistic activities will provide special highlights. The secret to success and satisfaction will lie in making quality choices.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 10 to Apr. 21, Jul. 20 to Sept. 5 and from Dec. 9 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Apr. 21 to Jun. 4, and from Oct. 22 to Dec. 9. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aquarius.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aquarius and were born between January 6 and 15 then being reliable and making consistent efforts will gain the attention and win the respect of those in authority. This will be a good year for steady career advancement. Productivity will come relatively easy this year. There will be no need to rock the boat or force issues.


Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Both faith and doubt will surface for Pisceans throughout 2017. Visons and dreams will require serious personal effort to accomplish. Doubt will be the enemy! Do you have enough faith in yourself? If not, you must work hard to restore it. Small accomplishments will naturally improve faith. Helping others can have the same effect.

Your most stressful times will be from Apr. 21 to Jun. 4, and from Sept. 5 to Oct. 22. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 10 to Apr. 21, Jun. 4 to Jul. 20, and from Dec. 9 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 1 to 28, when Mars travels through Pisces.

Special Focus:

If you were born between March 10 and 20 then this will be a year when the weight of responsibility sits on your shoulders. If you fall behind in your duties, pressures will increase. Try to get the difficult things done first. It will open up more time to enjoy yourself. You might have to take on extra commitments to advance. Short term pain for long term gain!


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains a generous international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.


For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, phone (416) 557-2331 or email at info@iastro.com or visit www.iastrostore.com

For more information, you can contact Robin by email info@iastro.com or visit his website www.iastro.com . Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong



Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: March 21 – April 20

2016 presents a challenge to your understanding of life. Your normal mode of operation is to act on the impulse first and see what happens. This year there will be a significant change. By September you will start to see what is good and what is bad and you will have to alter your approach. If you adjust to fighting for the good then very good things will start to happen. If you fight for the bad then you will deserve what you get.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 3, and from Sept. 27 to Nov. 9. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 6 to May 28, from Aug. 22 to Sept. 27 and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aries.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aries born between Apr. 6 and 10th then your sense of freedom will be confronted by a sense of fear. This is one of those years when you have to do a reality check and stand up for what is really true. If you are doing something wrong, fix it. If you have bad friends then leave them behind. You need to make an independent move that liberates you from the dark side of the Force. Don’t look back!


Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: April 20 – May 21

In 2016 your circumstances will improve, but there will be temperamental problems due to a lack of patience, especially in the first half of the year. Old attachments will cause some frustration. You will need to move forward. Everything really starts to pick up in the fall. So if you are planning to learn something new or start a new project, the forward movement starts in September.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, from May 28 to Aug. 22, and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Sept. 27 to Nov. 9, and from Dec. 19 to Dec. 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Taurus.

Special Focus:

If you were born between May 13th and 21st then 2016 will be a year when new opportunities will come your way. They will come without effort. You just need to keep well rested and be ready to move in a new direction away from what is making you angry or sad. If you have to force an issue it will not be the new good fortune. Go with the positive and move away from what is hassling you.


Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2016 will be a year of hesitation and delays. You are at a limit of how much you can do or get away with. Forward progress will be halted so that you can reassess your situation. There will be a need to develop new insights and new skills before you will be able to move forward. The old ways will most likely interfere with progress. This will take some effort on your part, and when you put the energy to improve out positive the tide will turn in your favour. Three steps back then ten steps forward.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 6 to May 28, from Aug. 22 to Sept. 27, and from Dec. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 3, and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Gemini.

Special Focus:

If you are a Gemini and your birthday is between July 1 and 11 then your struggle will be to overcome a sense of depression, You cannot keep going forward the way you have been. You have burned out or used up all of your karma. There is a need to change but your attitude is to resist. When you get tired of feeling sorry for yourself and decide to learn something new, forward progress will be made.


Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon

Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Opportunities will come your way, especially during the first half of eight months of the year. You will have to let go of fears and worries, as it will do you no good to worry. Once you get positive about the little things in your life new opportunities will come closer to you. Your biggest obstacle will be rigid attitudes and once you let go of them, good friends will be attracted.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 3, and from Sept. 27 to Nov. 9. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, May. 28 to Aug. 22, and from Dec. 19 to 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Cancer.

Special Focus:

If you were born between July 5 and 11 then this will be a challenging year. There will be a confrontation with someone and a strong sense of insecurity. As long as you stay attached to the worries and try to control others you will run into problems. As soon as you can let go of what or who no longer belongs, then you will start to smile again. Your mantra for the year is “Be True!”


Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified

Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


This will be a good year for Leos when the adventures started last year begin to blossom and grow. There will not be any big let downs or obstacles but a little effort will be required on your part just so that you can make the most of what you have already set in motion. Be the best that you can be, but remember to let other people shine too! If anger shows, then do not act. Move out of the way! Take a nap and soon you will be laughing again!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, May 28 to Aug. 22, and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 6 to May 28, and from Aug. 22 to Sept. 27. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Leo.

Special Focus:

If you are a Leo and were born between July 23 and 27 you will probably feel a little insecure about yourself. Circumstances will be changing around you and there is not much you can do about it. Don’t magnify your worries. Let them go! Don’t hold on! Let go! And the worries will quickly be replaced by good opportunities.


Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


With Jupiter in Virgo until September 9, this promises to be the luckiest year in the past twelve. Opportunities will come to your doorstep. You do have to reach out and make a little effort to take advantage of them. Travelling, buying a house, starting a business and even having a baby could be the lucky new directions. There will be a need for you to discriminate between what are right and what are wrong opportunities. Choose well!

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 6 to May 28, Aug. 22 to Sept. 27, and Dec. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, May 28 to Aug. 22, Sept. 27 to Nov. 9. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Virgo.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Aug. 30 and Sept. 2 then this will be a year when you have to exercise some discrimination about how much work you can handle and who is reliable. If you are smart and dedicated you will benefit from the unreliability of others. If you become unreliable then you could suffer significant losses. Being self-reliant and keeping busy will insure success.


Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2016 will be a year of big changes and significant challenges, but it will also prove to be a lucky one for you, especially in the fall when Jupiter goes into Libra. So it is really a matter of timing. Hold on and don’t quit or sell out and by the fall new opportunities will surface that will improve your life. The more you prepare, the luckier the fall will be.

Your most stressful times will be from Sept. 27 to Nov. 9. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar, 6 to May 28, Aug. 22 to Sept.22, and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 1 and 3 when Mars travels through Libra.

Special Focus:

If you are a Libra and were born in September then 2016 promise to be a very luck year for you. You have survived the challenges of the last few years and now good fortune will start to smile on you again. Once you start relying on yourself great progress will follow. Don’t worry about what others are doing, just make your own best moves.


Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2016 will be a passionate and assertive year for most Scorpios. Mars will be in Scorpio on and off for almost five months. This is no time for you to sit on the sidelines and complain. The Force will be with you. It is time to take action and make things happen. Be physical, be assertive and be competitive! Anything is possible if you make the effort. It is your move! Make the most of it!

Your most stressful times will be from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. Your most harmonious times will be from Sept. 29 to Nov. 9, , and from Dec. 19 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 3 and Mar. 6, and from May 28 to Aug. 22 when Mars travels through Scorpio.

Special Focus:

If you are a Scorpio and were born in November then you will be particularly lucky this year. This will not be luck in gambling, but rather positive opportunities arising from the efforts you make towards progress. This year will bring many rewards if you work hard to make them happen. You are not likely to run into obstacles or setbacks in 2016.


Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


This will be a year when there will be too many choices for most Sagittarians. The danger is in getting overextended and burnt out. Temptations will arise to go for the big dream or big scheme and you will have to exercise caution and discrimination to avoid complications. There will be a need for you to make new decisions and to define your goals. Yes you will have to grow up a little and be serious. The results of this process promise great success.

Your most stressful times will be from Dec. 19 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 3, and from Nov. 9 to Dec. 19. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Mar. 6 and May 28, and from Aug. 22 to Sept. 27 when Mars travels through Sagittarius.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Nov. 29 and Dec. 2 then this will be year of great expectations and questionable results. You will be daydreaming and out of focus. This will make you gullible and vulnerable to deception. Big schemes will cause problems. If you procrastinate too much you will miss good opportunities, Keep things simple and self reliant this year. Do not make big promises nor should you expect the promises of others to be real. If you don’t set yourself up, you won’t be brought down.


Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2016 will be a year for Capricorns to control what is theirs and let go of what is not. This is not a good year to follow others. It would be wiser to stay aloof and do your own thing. You will find that career opportunities will come your way easily, especially during the first 9 months of the year. If you are serious about something then it would be a good idea to keep quiet about it. Silence will work to your advantage.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 3. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, May 28 to Aug. 22, and from Dec. 19 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Sept. 27 and Nov. 9 when Mars travels through Capricorn.

Special Focus:

If you are a Capricorn and you were born in December, then this promises to be a good year for you. Do not look back. The old days and challenges are gone. Look for opportunities to move forward in the areas you want.Rely on yourself and be prepared to help others. This will bring good karma to your doorstep, Then when an opportunity knocks, just reach out and take advantage of it.


Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2016 will be a good year for most Aquarians as there will be no difficult aspects from any of the outer planets. You will benefit from sharing ideas with other this year. Good results will come from good ideas. The only stress will come from Mars and you will be inclined to overreact to little aggravations. SO the challenge is to keep well rested and don’t sweat over the little things. Progress will be made by putting some extra effort into thiings.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, and from May 28 to Aug. 22. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 3, and from Mar. 6 to May 28. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Nov. 9 and Dec. 19 when Mars travels through Aquarius.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aquarius and were born between January 20 and 25 then you might feel that time is slipping by and the need for a greater effort in your life will be needed. This can show as extra ambition, or a sensitivity to someone in authority. You might be bossy or depressed from being bossed. The solution is to get busy and get things done by yourself. If you wait for others to do things you will no be satisfied.


Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


There will be a conflict between your visions and your responsibilities in 2016. You will need both! But if you are irresponsible it will cost you. If you are too serious you will lose friends. You will need to understand who is worth helping and who is not. If you associate with wrong people you will be blamed. If you are kind you will be appreciated and win respect. This should be a creative year but it will require some extra effort on improving your basics.

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 6 to May 28, and from Aug. 22 to Sept. 27. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 3 to Mar. 6, May 28 to Aug. 22, and from Sept. 27 to Nov. 9. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Dec. 19 and the end of the year when Mars travels through Pisces.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Feb. 26 and 29th or March 1 then this will be a year of big adventures and romance! You will be especially dreamy. You will be searching for a perspective. Many temptations will come your way. Choose the one or two that you really believe in. Be self reliant and avoid the use of alcohol or other depressants. This will be a good year for you to travel or indulge in creative activities.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains a generous international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, phone (905) 841-8565 or email at info@iastro.com .

For more information you can contact Robin by email info@iastro.com or visit his website www.iastro.com . Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong



Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: March 21 – April 20

2015 will be a year when you will take a personal stand against injustice. You will have an uncanny sense of timing. Be ready to take advantage of an opportune moment without hesitation when it occurs. The first half of the year will be luckier than the last half. Even in the face of adversity you will make personal gains. If you align with what is right, you will do no wrong!

Your most stressful times will be from Jun. 24 to Aug. 8, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan 1 to 12, May 11 to Jun. 24, and from Aug. 8 to Sept. 24. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Feb. 19 and Mar. 31 when Mars travels through Aries.

Special Focus:

If you are an Aries born between Apr. 2 and 10th then you will be challenged to go your own way this year. You will not be patient! Little interferences could seem intolerable. This will not be a good year for following or asking for permission. If an opportunity for personal excellence surfaces, just take it. Do not hesitate. Be prepared to let go of people who are trying to cling on to you or hold you back.


Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: April 20 – May 21

The forces that have been holding you back for the last few years have lifted and a new era is dawning. Your challenge will be to adjust your outlook on life and move forward. If you hold on to old or outdated understandings then you will probably increase your waistline and alienate friends. Dare to change your priorities and embrace the world. Smile and the world will smile with you. Frown and you will frown alone!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 12, and Aug. 8 to Sept. 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan 12 to Feb 19, Jun. 24 to Aug 8, and from Sept. 24 to Nov 12. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Mar. 31 and May 11 when Mars travels through Taurus.

Special Focus:

If you were born between May 20th and 21st then 2015 will be a year when discontent will begin to lift. The first half of the year will progress easily but there will be a return of restraints over the summer. From September on you will begin to move towards a new destiny and away from the old. Do not expect sudden changes, but rather little positive advancements, one after the other. Aim for steady progress.


Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


During the first half of 2015 you will attract encouragement and approval, but during the last half you will attract criticism. If you allow your ego to get pumped up or inflated, then you will increase misunderstanding around you. If you hold to kind and considerate activities you will attract good company and improve the odds of success. Try to help others more than you help yourself!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 12 to Feb. 19, and from Sept. 24 to Nov. 12. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 12, Aug. 8 to Sept. 24, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between May 11 and Jun. 24 when Mars travels through Gemini.

Special Focus: If you are a Gemini and were born in May, then this will be a sobering year for you. You will be caught up in responsibilities and time demands that will weigh heavily on you. Don’t run away! You have too much to lose. Bide your time! Try to add a skill or extend a new capacity that will improve your circumstances in the future. If you are irresponsible you will alienate yourself. Some volunteer work will improve your faith in yourself and help others at the same time.


Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon

Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


There will be many obstacles and challenges in the world that will diminish your sense of security, however there will be room for positive progress if you stick to small advances. Little things done regularly will accumulate into great accomplishments over time. Don’t try to change others. Just keep positively absorbed yourself.

Your most stressful times will be from Feb. 19 to Mar. 31, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 12 to Feb. 19ar. 31 to May 11, and from Sept. 24 to Nov. 12. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jun. 24 and Aug. 8 when Mars travels through Cancer.


Special Focus: If you are a Cancer and were born in June then you are a survivor! The heaviest tests of life have come and gone. This year will be a mark the beginning of the new you. Whatever you are working towards will meet with positive reinforcement. Don’t look back! The dark cloud is no longer over your head. Don’t bring your doubts forward into the future!


Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified

Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Your big opportunities will come in the first half of the year. Lady luck will be watching out for you. This will be your time to embark on a new adventure, whether it be in business or romance. A simple positive outlook in this seemingly dark world will work wonders and open many doorways. Reach out! Put one of your goals into action. May as well take your best shot!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 12, and from Mar. 31 to May 11. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb. 19 to Mar. 31, May 11 to Jun. 24, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Aug. 8 and Sept. 24 when Mars travels through Leo.

Special Focus:

If you are a Leo and were born in July, then you could benefit significantly from the weakness of those in authority. If you are helpful or can save someone in power from embarrassment your fortunes will multiply. Those in authority will notice your helpful efforts and become indebted to you. If you simply do what is right benefits will come automatically.


Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Walk carefully for the first half of the year for you will be walking on eggshells! Timing will be everything. Be patient! Don’t rush forward to champion any big schemes. Maintain personal discipline. Do not trust your judgment of others! Do not get distracted. New advancements and opportunities will start to come in the last half of the year!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 12 to Feb. 19, and from May 11 to Jun. 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 31 to May 11. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Sept. 24 and Nov. 12 when Mars travels through Virgo.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Aug. 28 and 31 then this will be a year when you won’t see the forest for the trees. It will seem as everything is extreme. You will try too hard, and accomplish too little. You will expect too much and could easily be let down or deceived. This will really be a test of faith! Will you trust yourself? Can you maintain discipline and discrimination when rewards will seem evasive? Keep things simple! If you don’t set yourself up, you won’t be brought down!


Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2015 will be a year where the results of long term efforts will pay off. If you draw too much attention to yourself then there will be sudden upsets. You will need to let go of what is old and no longer valid and embrace the new opportunities that present themselves. A new outlook on life will be dawning. Keep looking ahead, and not behind you.

Your most stressful times will be from Feb. 19 to Mar. 31 and from Jun. 24 to Aug. 8.. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan 1 to 12, May 11 to Jun. 24, and from Aug. 8 to Sept. 24. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Nov. 12 and Dec. 31 when Mars travels through Libra.

Special Focus: If you were born between Oct. 16th and Oct. 23rd then 2015 will be a year of positive growth. New horizons are opening up and calling you. Be prepared to reach beyond towards a new vision. You should take advantage of whatever opportunities to travel come your way. Share your wisdom and you will be appreciated and rewarded!


Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams



2015 will be a much more positive year than the last two. The weight of responsibility and time demands will lessen. Opportunities will come often. The main challenge for you will be to decide which opportunities are the right ones to take and which will bring about the best results. There will be some struggles between good and bad associations. Choose well!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 12, Feb. Mar. 31 to May 11, and from Aug. 8 to Sept. 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 12 to Feb. 19, Jun. 24 to Aug. 8, and from Sept. 24 to Nov. 12. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Scorpio.

Special Focus:

If you are a Scorpio and were born between Nov.4th and 22nd then you will be inclined to exaggerate

and create misunderstandings. Your judgments will be subject to question. If you are exaggerating you will throw money away and probably lose friends. If you can keep calm and humble, you will secure your friendships.


Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Opportunities will abound for Sagittarians this year. There will be excitement and the chance of a great adventure. You will be on a positive roll this year, but you also need to be aware than for every opportunity that presents itself, new responsibilities and time demands will be soon to follow. Before long, you will have to back up your promises with action.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 12 to Feb. 19, May 11 to Jun. 24, and from Sept. 24 to Nov. 12. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 12, Feb. 19 to Mar. 31, Aug. 8 to Sept. 24, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Sagittarius.

Special Focus: If you are a Sagittarius and were born in November, then this will be a year of serious decisions and increasing responsibilities. You will have to decide what your goals and priorities are. Part of you is ready for this, but another part of you will try to avoid commitments and positions of authority. Your destiny will be determined by the quality of the decisions you make this year!


Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Castles made of sand will fall in the sea, eventually! 2015 will be a good year to consolidate your position and status. If someone does not fit in, let go of him or her. Don’t give your energy to lost or unstable causes. Be patient! Wait until you will be in a better position. Defense wins championships! Secure the perimeter.

Your most stressful times will be from Feb. 19 to Mar. 31, Jun. 24 to Aug. 8, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 12 to Feb. 19, Mar. 31 to May 11, and from Sept. 24 to Nov. 12. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Capricorn.

Special Focus: If you were born between Jan 3rd and 8th then you will not be standing on a secure foundation in 2015. There will be sudden shocks and let downs! There is no sense in pushing forward if the car breaks down! Wait! Don’t force issues! Let go of what is causing the anxiety! Don’t quit the job! Someone will probably be moving away against your wishes. Let them go!


Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2015 will be a year when your outlook changes. You will now have to understand what you are getting into before you get into it. This is a shift from the past six years when you acted first and understood later. The repercussions are now obvious. Look and contemplate before you leap! Once your attitude shifts, then good fortune will start to smile on you again!

Your most stressful times will be from Mar. 31 to May 11, and from Aug. 8 to Sept. 24. Your most harmonious times will be from Feb. 19 to Mar. 31, May 11 to Jun. 24, and from Nov. 12 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 1 to 12 when Mars travels through Aquarius.

Special Focus: If you were born between Feb. 17th and 19th then there will be some old karma to take care of over the summer. A good holiday could be had before June and after September. You will be feeling serious and the work load will likely increase in the summer. Make the effort and get the problems solved during the summer and the fall will blossom with new opportunities.


Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


If you have a vision or dream, then 2015 will be a good year to start making a commitment towards it. If you don’t make the effort, you won’t likely make the cake! This is a year to trust in yourself and your hopes for the future. It will be a romantic year with a good chance for adventure. If you do not reach out and set your dreams in motion, when will you? Even a simple one step at a time approach would work wonders.

In 2013 there will be some misunderstandings throughout the first six months. During this time you need to avoid exaggeration. If you start preaching at others, you will alienate yourself. Minimize confusion. Keep things simple and it will pay off significantly in the last half of the year. Give more credence to teamwork than to independent expression.

Your most stressful times will be from May 11 to Jun. 24, and from Sept. 24 to Nov. 12. Your most harmonious times will be from Mar. 31 to May 11, and from Jun. 24 to Aug. 8. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 12 and 19 when Mars travels through Pisces.

Special Focus:

If you are a Pisces and were born in February, then the first half of the year will be better than the last half. Reach out for your dreams in this time period. In the last half of the year you will be inclined to overspend or misunderstand your priorities. Try not to get over-extended! An adjustment in your understanding of others will come through the autumn.


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains a generous international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, phone (905) 841-8565 or email at info@iastro.com .

For more information you can contact Robin by email info@iastro.com or visit his website www.iastro.com . Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong



Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


ARIES:  March 21 – April 20 

Misguided energy will create problems for Aries in 2014. You will identify with freedom and stand against seemingly unfair controls. Unfortunately the more you try to force or make things happen, the more setbacks you will encounter. The first half of the year will be more difficult than the last. Anger and impulse will be problematic until the end of July. Your energy level will improve from August to the end of the year. Some battles will be won by knowing when to retreat!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to July 25, and from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Sept.14 to Oct 26, and from Dec, 5 to 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aries.

Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between Mar. 28 and Apr. 4 then this will be a year of sudden change and confrontations. You will need to stay aware of what battles are not worth fighting. You need to slow down a little and recharge. Six steps back then six steps forward. Others may be challenged by your initiatives, when a little patience could make your life much easier.


Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS:  April 20  –  May 21

2014 will be a year of modest opportunity for most Taureans. You will have to exercise some restraint and be satisfied with simple benefits. If you try to expand too fast or want to much you will alienate yourself and make improper investments. Do not expect raises or promotions. Strive to be content with whatever security or job you have. Any opportunity to add a skill or get some training should be embraced.

Your most stressful times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13, and from Dec.5 to Dec. 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Taurus.

Special Focus:

If you were born between May 9th and 21st 2014 will be a year of restraint. Discontent will challenge your status quo and your ability to charm! This will not be a good time for you to force issues, but rather one when you need to bide your time and regroup. You will be going through a re-evaluation of your life and what you want. Be prepared to start working or making the extra effort to move towards new goals.

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


GEMINI:  MAY 21  –  JUNE 21

2014 will be a good year for Geminis to go with the flow. If you simply go about your own business and stay happy you will be appreciated by all who come into your circle. If, however, you decide to embrace a big scheme or try to make a big dream real, you will be vulnerable to deception and errors of judgment. Be the independent person that you are, protect your self-reliance, and significant opportunities will come your way.

Your most stressful times will be from Sept. 14 to Oct 26. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to July 25, and from Dec. 5 to the end of the year. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Gemini.

Special Focus: If you were born between May 23rd and 30th then 2014 will present many unworthy temptations to you. You will be gullible and vulnerable to questionable associations. If you just mind your own business, and avoid making promises or relying on the promises of others, you will be fine. Choose the middle way and not the way of big extremes. The battle will be with your mind. Can you let your heart and conscience guide you?

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon

Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams



Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and good fortune will remain in your sign until mid-July. The first half of the year will lay opportunities at your doorstep. You simply need to reach out and take advantage of them. Make you main moves in this period. The more discreet you will be about your advances, the less animosity or jealousy you will invoke.

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to July 25, and from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. Your most harmonious times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Cancer.


Special Focus: If you were born between June 29 and July 6 little will come easily this year. You could be significantly challenged or let down by someone you care deeply about. Remember that you cannot save other people from their own karma. Be sure to hold on to your own truth and don’t sell out. Take a stand and let the chips fall where they may, or remain quiet and try to walk quietly on eggshells. Accentuate the positive! Don’t worry! Be happy!


Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified

Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23  –  AUGUST 23

While responsibilities will increase for most Leos in 2014, they will lead to greater opportunities. This year you will be recognized and rewarded for you efforts. There will be an element of patience involved for the first half of the year, when it will be more work than reward, but the benefits will start to pour in through the summer and fall. This promises to be the luckiest year in twelve for Leos!

Your most stressful times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13, and from Dec. 5 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jul. 25, and from Sept. 14 to Oct. 26. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Leo.

Special Focus: Leos born between July 23 and August 10 will have an easy time of it as your pressures were in 2013. For you 2014 will be a year that starts well and gets continuously better! This bodes well for moves, promotions, relationship and the ability to add a new member to the family. Your confidence will improve steadily across the year.


Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


In 2014 Virgos will need to trust themselves and keep busy. If you get involved in gossip or innuendo you will be blamed for it or suffer losses through it. You can’t trust the news, but you can trust in your own inherent ability to improve. Make a point of embracing nature this year. Take walks in the woods or park, or walk by the shores of waterways.

Your most stressful times will be from Sept. 14 to Oct. 26. Your most harmonious times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13, and from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Virgo.

Special Focus: If you were born between Aug. 26 and 30 then this will be a year of temptation. You will be gullible and vulnerable to poor decisions. Avoid building up expectations or yourself and others. The road to hell is lined with good intentions. If you get fanatical you will attract sorrow! Keep it simple and try to forgive the mistakes of others.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


The Force will be with you for the first seven months of 2014 as Mars remains in Libra for a very extended period. It is now your move to take the initiative and make things happen. You should be able to do this with style and grace. You will be challenged to avoid over-kill! There will be shocks and upsets but you will be able to deal with them. This is not the time for indecision. Start the year running and you will be able to relax in the fall!

Your most stressful times will be from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Sept. 14 to Oct. 26, and from Dec. 5 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Jan. 1 and July 25 when Mars travels through Libra.

Special Focus: If you were born between Oct. 1st and Oct. 9th you will be challenged to maintain control and a certain amount of silence. You will need to hold on to your values and let go of situations that destabilize them. Don’t throw good energy after bad. Let go but stay on track. This is not a good time for you to be the follower. Take the lead and let go of whatever and whoever no longer belongs.


Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Preparation and power will be your themes for most of 2014. You need to define your goals and priorities. It will be time for you to work hard and make advances. You could succeed at just about anything if you put your mind and the right effort towards it. Set up a plan and work towards it. Negativity, doubt and inertia will be your enemies this year. Keeping busy will ensure victory and progress.

Your most stressful times will be from Dec. 5 to the end of the year. Your most harmonious times will be from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. Your most powerful and energetic time will be from Jan. 1 to July 25 when Mars travels through Scorpio.


Special Focus: If you were born between Oct. 23rd and Nov. 10th you will have an easier time of it than in the past few years. Your challenge this year will be to avoid misunderstandings and excesses. If you align with the dark side in anger or revenge, then trouble will soon approach. Be physical but do not argue or cast blame. If you have something to do and it won’t hurt anyone, then just do it!


Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


During the first half of the year there will be steady progress but in the last half of 2014 you will shine! From mid-July on Jupiter will be in Leo making Sagittarians look good. Opportunities and approval will come easily then. Any work done to improve personal circumstances this year will pay off in spades by the Fall. A little positive enthusiasm will work wonders.

You will not have a most stressful time this year as Mars will not square or oppose your sun. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to July 25, and from Dec. 5 to the end of the year. Your most powerful and energetic time will be from Sept. 14 to Oct. 26 when Mars travels through Sagittarius.

Special Focus: If you were born between Nov 25 and Dec. 1, then 2014 will seem as if you are walking around in a fog. Confusion or fanaticism will prevail. You should not trust your visions, but would be wise to keep things simple and self reliant. This is one of those years when a little humility will go a long way. Avoid promises, big schemes and expectations. Just keep things simple and self-reliant and you will be fine.


Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Misunderstandings will increase your difficulties during the first half of the year. If you can minimize these misunderstandings then half of your battles will be won. Maintaining discipline and patience will be necessary to combat anger and excessive aggression. Take your time. Drive slowly! You will be somewhat accident prone for the first 6 months of the year. Keep well rested. Much will be accomplished if you can keep your cool!

Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to July 25. Your most harmonious times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13. Your most powerful and energetic time will be from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4 when Mars travels through Capricorn.

Special Focus: If you were born between Dec. 30th and Jan 7th then 2014 will be a year of power struggles and confrontations. You will need to be strong and hold your ground, but at the same time do not underestimate the adversity. You will be doing an audit of your life and goals. Take your stand and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t look back!


Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2014 will be a year when a new understanding of your priorities and their time demands will develop. Your perspective for the last 6 years is changing and now you need to understand what you are doing before you get involved. It should not take you as much time to get things done as it has for the last six years. These changes will start in the work place or in your relationship to authority, and they will benefit you in the long run.

Your most stressful times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to July 25, and from Sept. 14 to Oct. 26. Your most powerful and energetic time will happen between Dec. 5 to 31 when Mars travels through Aquarius.

Special Focus: Those of you born between Feb. 7th and 19th will feel under pressure. Time demands will increase and you will need to be more efficient. In the long term these pressures will help you to adjust your goals. There is only so much weight you can carry and only for a little while longer. Pace yourself and be patient. These pressures will lift by next year!


Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


2014 will be a year of smooth sailing and profound insights. You should go with the flow. If an opportunity to travel comes up, take advantage of it. Trust your instincts and your visions. A little kindness will go a long way. You should be able to avoid or sidestep the problems of others and maintain your composure and inner peace. If you are sincere you will shine. If you are not, it will also shine!

Your most stressful times will be from Sept. 14 to Oct. 26. Your most harmonious times will be from July 26 to Sept. 13, and from Oct. 26 to Dec. 4. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Pisces.


Special Focus: If your birthday is between Feb. 22nd and 28th, then 2014 will be a year where visions and dreams prevail and will yield positive results. You will be on a vision quest! What you really believe will surface. In the world some social service could profoundly inspire you. This is a year to reach beyond limitations and embark on adventures that touch your heart!


ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology. RASA also maintains a generous international scholarship program. www.rasa.ws


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.


For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, phone (905) 841-8565 or email at info@thewakingdream.net


For more information you can contact Robin by email info@thewakingdream.net or visit his website www.thewakingdream.net. Join Robin’s email list and qualify to win monthly astrology prizes. On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong