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Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:

Most Aries will be a little on the flirtatious side this  month. Your charm will be in high gear and you will be prepared to do what you want! Impulse spending will be an obvious result. A happy innocence will have a powerful effect on those around you. Complaining will alienate your friends.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a the most sensitive lunation of the year. It is your move! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Slow down!

Special Focus: If you were born between Apr. 16 and 17 then this will be a month of tough love and confrontations. The direct way ahead will be blocked. There will be a challenging situation that you must face. Don’t ask for a break or expect sympathy. Just deal with it. Not dealing with it will give more control to others.

Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:

The first half of April will be a little hectic and disorienting. Bide your time! Save the good stuff for the last half of the month when the forces that be, will align positively with you. It is springtime. Your smile will have an enchanting effect on others. Make sure you use it.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be patient! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Accentuate the positive.

Special Focus:  If you are a Taurus and were born in April this will be an enjoyable time. You will need excitement and will not tolerate restrictions. In a lock down this could get you in trouble, so find your freedom in nature. Go to the parks, and the lake. Refresh your psyche.

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:

The Force will continue to be with you this month. But it will be easily tempted by the dark side. Great expectations will lead to great let downs. Don’t try to do too much. One step at a time will gain more than big surges of energy output. Some self reliance will be required of you.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a harmonious lunation. Impulse drive! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Go at a comfortable speed.

Special Focus: If you were born between June 10 and 13 then it will be difficult for you to be reliable or even to find reliable people to relate to. Your tendency will be to speed up and go for it all. Some moderation would be wise. Some travelling might provide a healing outlet. Don’t make or rely on promises! Silence will prove to be golden!

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon
Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Cancers will be easily irritated and very restless this month, or at least for the first half of the  month. Try to keep your indulgences and judgements to  minimum. Soon the flowers will come and you will be your smiling self again. It would be a good idea to be physically active for the first two weeks and enjoy the results for the rest of the month.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will a stressful lunation. Try to relax! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a harmonious lunation. Enjoy yourself!

Special Focus: If you were born between July 17 and 18 you will encounter power struggles. Someone will be giving you a hard time or causing serious concern. This is a time for tough love. Don’t ask for or expect sympathy. Don’t sell out. Take a truthful stand and let the chips fall where they may.

Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified
Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:

Spring is here! The increasing warmth and light will cheer you up and allow some positive momentum. Freedom will come from personal activity, but it will not solve the bigger issues. There will still be a sense of not living the way you want and of having to wait for change.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a harmonious lunation! Keep active! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a stressful lunation. Be content with simplicity!

Special Focus: If you are a Leo and were born in July, then this will be a time when it will be a challenge to keep your spirits up. Discontentment will prevail. Its purpose is to show you what you need to do to become content. Some effort towards education or self-improvement would be wise.

Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23: 

This will be another over reactive month for many Virgos. You will be edgy and easily irritated. People will get on your nerves. You will be tempted to make comments but should keep them to yourself. Keeping self-absorbed in a project will go a long way to keep you centred and away from distraction.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Walk behind! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts!

Special Focus: If you were born between Sept. 13 and 15 then it will seem that your or the people around you are driving impaired. Remember that you can’t teach a drunk when they’re drinking! The challenge will be to keep things simple and self-reliant. Avoid big schemes and good intentions.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:

You will be spontaneously active this month but you will also be prone to poor or reckless choices. A fool and his or her money will soon part. Don’t try to buy friendship or appreciation. A new approach is developing within you. Be patient. Give it time. Try to listen more than you talk!

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a stressful lunation. Curb the impulses! The Full Moon  of Apr. 26 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Relax!

Special Focus:

If you were on Oct 19 or Oct. 20 then there will be ongoing confrontations. Someone will be causing significant concern. Don’t try to control nor be controlled. The challenge will be to keep your thoughts free of the darkness. The meditation will be two words… “So What!”

Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:

Your ability to take the initiative without hassles will improve by the end of the month, but your sense of contentment will not. If you allow discontentment to be the predominant feeling you will negate most of the good things that are happening. You can control yourself but not others, so why worry about them?

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t rush! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will bring contradictory energies to the surface. Don’t complain!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Nov. 1 and 3 then this will be a wide awake month! The only thing one can be certain of in life is change! No sense grumbling or getting twisted over it. Just let go! Moving on will be far better than holding on. Whatever is breaking away is long overdue.

Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


The emotional side of your life will improve this month, but the physical side will have little or no sense of direction. It will be difficult know what you should do and what you shouldn’t. Avoid problem people because they will increase your problems. Take a few walks in nature, preferably by the water. Make some time to just chill.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will a harmonious lunation. Follow the music! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Choose well!

Special Focus:

If you are a Sagittarius and were born between Dec 13 and 15 then this will be a time to avoid fanatical or extreme initiatives. Be wary of giving mixed or confusing messages. You will want to escape but would be wiser to keep busy. This is not the time for big initiatives. Wait. It will pass.

Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:

The impulsiveness of others and their off-the-cuff comments will upset you especially during the first half of the month. A quick response from you will only exacerbate matters. Keep your thoughts to yourself. The tide will start to turn in your favour by mid-month.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a stressful lunation. Maintain restraint! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a harmonious lunation. Relax and enjoy!

Special Focus:

If you were born on Jan. 17 or 18 there will be an ongoing confrontation with someone. You will need to take a stand and let the chips fall where they may. This is a tough love time. Real truth is demanded. Do not expect sympathy. Do not sell out on what you know to be true.

Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:

This will be a fun loving and free flowing time for most Aquarians. You can set actions int  motion without interference or resistance. This will be a month of easy action and spontaneous enjoyment. After mid-month expenses will pile up and some restraint will be in order.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a harmonious lunation. It is your move! The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a stressful lunation. Start the diet!

Special Focus: 

If you were born between Feb. 12 and 18 then this will be a time of great opportunity. Lady luck will be smiling over you. Not so much in quick sudden actions but certainly in matters you have been striving to make happen. This is good for travel, making new purchases, getting a promotion, and it is a time when a new family member could arrive.

Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:

Haste will make waste. Slow down! This month you will be driving too fast and pushing too hard. You could easily succumb to premature or hasty judgements. This will be a cranky or cantankerous month. If you get run down or tired it will exasperate things. The solution will be to keep well rested.

The New Moon of Apr. 11 will be a relatively  uneventful lunation. Don’t rush. The Full Moon of Apr. 26 will be a harmonious lunation. Enjoy yourself!

Special Focus:

If you born between Mar. 12 and 14 then this will be a very dramatic time of great expectation and big dreams. You will be romantic and adventurous and you will want to go beyond normal limits. There will be a need to expand your horizons. As long as you  do not expect others to do the same, you should be fine.

Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at info@iastro.com or visit the website at www.iastro.com

Robin’s online store is at www.iastrostore.com

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply! More than one thousand scholarships have been awarded over the last seven years. To apply go to www.rasa.ws and send in a form from the Applications menu. The cost for the ten level course is $1000.

Robin has six new websites about the I Ching and astrology.

I Ching Links

The I Ching is a zodiac of 64 divisions. Each hexagram line relates to a Zodiac degree. This site shows the correspondences, gives interpretive examples and to tools for you to work forward on your own.

This site Explains in detail the relationship of the I Ching to the cycles of the year, the month and the day. In other words to the Zodiac signs, the moon phases and aspects, and to the daily houses.

A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. There is also the deeper implications and meaning of the I Ching in the Great Treatise.

This site presents a completely new interpretation of each hexagram and hexagram line. References to the Superior Man and his virtue, have been removed. In this interpretation One does this or One does that. The advice is given for the individual and not just for the man. This is a significant change in the I Ching. Not to be thought of as a replacement for the old, but as an add on for more modern and astrological significance.https://www.iching-hexagrams.com


This is a site of cosmic alignment. The relationship of the I Ching to numbers, Kabbalah, the Seven Rays, Zodiac Signs and Houses are presented.


This is a site that takes the I Ching beyond words. It shows how to drum the hexagrams and then how to interpret them musically in melodies. It also shows how to chant the hexagrams, working to turn duality into unity.

About the Author

Robin ArmstrongView all posts by Robin Armstrong