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Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:

No significant obstacle will stand in the way of Aries this month. All the planets are positively aligned. It is as if all the traffic lights in front of you are green. It will be easy to get things done this month and still enjoy yourself. Keep active. Don’t waste this good month as they do not come too often. Have a happy holiday!

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will also be a harmonious lunation. Do your own thing!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-45 Gathering Together Massing.  Happiness works wonders!

Special Focus: If you are an Aries and were born in March, then this will be a month of spontaneous initiatives. A way will open for you. You go with the flow. In fact, how you go will determine the flow. If there is something that you want to do, do it now. You will be able to strut your stuff and get a positive response.

Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:

Listen well before you speak. Take a deep breathe before you act. This w ill be a challenging month for you. You will run into interference and delays. The more you force issues, the resistance will arise. Give yourself extra time to get places and drive slowly. This is an accident prone or klutsy time. Keeping well rested and slowing down will be your best defense. Don’t yell or speak loudly.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t interrupt others!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation. No need to explain!

Hexagram Theme: Apr.20-to- May 5: Hx-45 Gathering Together Massing.  A little sharing will go a long way!

May 6-May21: Hx-12 Standstill, Stagnation. Not a good time to try and dominate!

Special Focus: If you were born between May 13 and 16 then this will be a very high-strung month. You need to express your freedom and independence. You need to change your mode of operation. Do something different. If you resist this new momentum you will increase anxiety and restlessness. It is not likely that you will be very tolerant or patient. If something or someone falls away, let them go and don’t look back!

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:

Your sex appeal and charisma will be in good shape this month. You should be able to smile and get what you want. The main challenge will be your thinking. You will not likely be thinking clearly or correctly this month. You will be prone to blatant exaggerations. You will be suffering from hoof in mouth dis-ease.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your instincts!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Keep comments to yourself!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-12 Standstill, Stagnation. The more you talk, the less others will listen.

Special Focus:

If you were born between Juned 17 and 19 then you will be very gullible and confused. You expectations will not be met. You inclination to escape or to twist the truth will be highlighted. If you make investments under this aspect no good will come of it. To experience the positive side of this energy you need to do some selfless service helping others without any personal gain. A little kindness will go a long way.

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon
Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


This will be a steady month with few if any big ups or downs. Take care of your basic responsibilities and everything else will align. If you maintain your reliability, there will be no guilt or blame. By dealing with the little chores, no big issues will have a chance to build up. Maintain your normal sense of responsibility and there will not be any pressure to do more than that.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be content with your own feelings!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation. Have some friends over!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-20 Contemplation View. Contemplate the result before you take the initiative!

Special Focus:

Pluto has finally left Cancer and moved on to Leo. This ends 15 years   of confrontation and adversity for Cancers. Over this time, in the world, home and rent prices have increased to unbearable levels. The cost of food has done the same. The damage has been done, innocence is lost, and now we need to adjust to this new level. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, it will focus on censorship and what is truth. Also education will start to go through what housing has just been through.

Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified
Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:

The Force continues to be with you this month. Abundant energy, you will have. Strength and courage you will have. Unfortunately, the ability to make good choices you will not have. As soon as you talk about your desires and preferences, you will encounter resistance. If you keep your priorities hidden, then simple initiative will win the day. Be straight forward and don’t change courses mid-stream.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a harmonious lunation. Be happy and you will attract applause!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will be a harmonious lunation. More action than talk will be good!

Hexagram Theme: July 23-Aug 7: Hx-20 Contemplation View.  One can see the way and drives forward.

Aug 8-23: Hx-08 Holding Together. Give energy to the team!

Special Focus:

If you were born on July 23 or 24 then this will be a confrontational month. The way forward will be blocked. Someone will take a stand against you. This is not the time to push aggressively forward. It is better to hold steady and look adversity right in the eye. Say nothing. You will be doing an audit of your life. This is not the time to run or sell out. You must take a stand for what is true and let the chips fall where they may.

Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEPT. 23:

Those who talk do not know. Those who know do not talk. Be careful about what and who you listen to. Walk away from those who look down on your. Stay clear of those with great expectations. This is not the time to use force. You are supposed to bide your time.  There is to much to lose to run away. Keep busy! Keep things simple and don’t increase your level of commitment. Humility and patience will win the day!

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a stressful lunation. Complaining will only make matters worse!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will be a stressful lunation. Poor judgement!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-08 Holding Together. Avoid loud and aggressive people!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Sept. 5 and 10 you will be struggling to comprehend the significance of those around you. You are inclined to misinterpret the intentions of others.  Disagreements and misunderstanding will prevail. This is not a good time for grand investments. Stick to your basic duties and responsibilities. Do not try to explain things to others. This time will pass but for now, be quiet.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:

This will be a month when you will talk a lot. You will also find listening ears and people who will enjoy what you say. This positive outlook will open up new connections. There is no room for indecision here. You need to back up the good vibrations with affirmative action. Dress-up and present yourself dramatically. You will get noticed and gain applause. Remember that happiness and goodwill is contagious.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a harmonious lunation. Social activity on the rise!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will be a harmonious lunation. Quick wit and good humour!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-23 Splitting Apart. Don’t hold on!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct 2and Oct. 5 then there will be some anxiety surfacing in your life. Something is changing or threatening to fall away. You could easily hurt someone’s feelings without intending to do so. In the midst of a positive social month some restraint would be wise. Avoid gossip and any kind of rattling on. Make sure you listen before you speak and don’t talk negatively about others!

Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:

This will be an abrasive month for most Scorpios. You will be inclined to vulgar expression whenever you don’t get what you want. Arguments over style and taste will likely arise. If you push to get what you want, you will increase adversity. You are likely walking on thin ice and could expect sudden disruptions at any time. The best solution will be to maintain steady responsibilities and avoid taking risks.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t take the opinions of others personally!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Just hold steady! No need to rush!

Hexagram Theme: Oct.23-Nov.6: Hx-23 Splitting Apart. Don’t throw good energy after bad!

Nov.7-22: Hx-02 The Receptive. Try to be inclusive!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Nov. 15 and 17, you can expect sudden letdowns. Something or someone will likely break away from you. If so, the faster it happens, the better it will be. Don’t hold on. You are only losing what no longer belongs. It is important that you do not throw good energy after bad. In this unstable period you would be wise to avoid taking risks or forcing issues. If something isa very important to you save it for another time.


This will be a quick witted and exciting month for most Sagittarians. Expressing yourself will be the main theme. You will be socially active and could easily increase the number of people who follow you. The challenge will be in living up to all of the new demands that these new contacts bring with them. You will be inclined to exaggerate and overestimate, so caution is needed around any investments you make.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a stressful lunation. Sincere words will be hard to find!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Stick to your own common sense!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-02 The Receptive. Stay open to the people around you!

Special Focus: If you were born on Dec. 19 or Dec. 20 then  you will be easily tempted. Enchantment rarely leads to stability. Big schemes and big dreams will lead to sorrow and loss. You need to keep things simple this month. Strive to be self reliant and if possible invisible. The only thing worse that the unworthy people around you will be if you become unreliable of unworthy. Keep your expectations to a minimum.

Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:

This will be another good month for Capricorns. You are not likely to run into any resistance. You will be considerate and productive. If you can help others less fortunate than yourself, you will win hearts and long term support. Do not get distracted by the attention seekers. Hold steady, don’t show your cards, and keep busy. Progress will be sure to follow. Those who talk don’t know, and those who know don’t talk!

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Stick to your plan!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation. Follow your own ideas!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-16 Enthusiasm. Don’t hold back!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Dec. 24 and 26, you will have trouble completing things this month. Just when you are almost finished you could get distracted and put your efforts into another direction. It will take some discipline and effort to counter the distractions and stay on track. Try to finish one thing before you take on another. Trying to multitask right now would make multiple unfinished chores.

Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:

It will be easy for you to attract want you want this month, but it will also be difficult for you to make it happen. It will be easier to receive than to give. Charm and communication will be your strong suits. Patience will be your challenge. Do what you want, but let others do what they want. Don’t force issues. Drive slowly. The more you rush the more irritable you will be. So chill out! This is not the time to lead!

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a harmonious lunation. Your ideas will have a positive effect on others!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will also be a harmonious lunation! Talk your heart out!

Hexagram Theme: Jan.20-Feb.4: Hx-16 Enthusiasm. There will be no room for doubt or negativity!  

Feb.5-19: Hx-35 Progress. Move towards the light!

Special Focus:

If you are an Aquarian and were born in January, you will have bad timing. This month will be accident prone. Slow down and recharge yourself. There is no sense in getting irritable or upset about people that seem to get in your way. Try to keep well rested this month as it will take the edge off your temper. Avoid loud and aggressive people. Be courteous and try not to grumble or complain.

Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:

Multiple options will generate stress and tension. You will be inclined to go out in too many directions and try to do too much. The results will make you scattered and confused. The best way to deal with this phase is to hold onto the work at hand. Be disciplined and limit how much you take on. Be dedicated but don’t make promises.  If your efforts help others, it will be better than if they do not.

The New Moon of Dec. 1 will be a stressful lunation. Too many options! Easily distracted!

The Full Moon of Dec. 15 will also be a stressful lunation. Them insincerity of others will bother you!

Hexagram Theme: Hx-35 Progress. Clarity will diminish dependency

Special Focus: If you were born between Mar. 2 and 7 you will have challenges in determining what your priorities are. It will be difficult to stick to one thing. If you understand your responsibilities good results will come. If you misunderstand your responsibilities greater difficulties will develop. Hold onto your commitments and don’t let yourself get behind. It is in your best interest to remain guilt free.


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at info@iastro.com, or visit the website at

Robin’s online store is at www.iastrostore.com

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program. Anyone can apply! More than one thousand scholarships have been awarded over the last twelve years. To apply go to and send in a form from the Applications menu. The cost for the each level $200.

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.


Heliocentric Astrology

Geo to Helio Zodiacs

The evolution of the Ego to the Soul

A webinar with

Astrologer Robin Armstrong

There is a special relationship

 between the Geocentric and Heliocentric Zodiacs.

There is an evolution of consciousness in this relationship.

A wonderful new perspective arises.

After joining, you will receive a free printout of your heliocentric positions.

Robin Armstrong is one of Canada’s foremost astrologers, and he has been studying Astrology since 1969. He has been on radio, TV, podcasts, and given workshops across Canada, in the USA, India and China. He is the founder and teacher at RASA School of Astrology. He is also the inventor of the Celestial Harp, a unique 72 stringed instrument that can play the horoscope and the I Ching, and it can be played by several individuals at the same time. His insights on Astrology and the I-Ching are profound.

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024

8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time

Before Sept. 15 = $25.       After Sept. 14 = $30.

Click on this link to order the video.

Being the Astrological Advisor to the Royal Canadian Mint, I am informing you about a new Canadian Zodiac Silver coin published in April 2024. Copies are available this month. Truly a manifestation of the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

Watch the short video about it.

It is a 30 dollar silver coin which sells for $229.95 Canadian. 4,000 coins have been minted.

It comes in a black case.

It can be ordered from



Robin has a new site on Trigrams and Astrology.





Robin has six new websites about the I Ching and astrology.

I Ching Links

The I Ching is a zodiac of 64 divisions. Each hexagram line relates to a Zodiac degree. This site shows the correspondences, gives interpretive examples and to tools for you to work forward on your own.


This site Explains in detail the relationship of the I Ching to the cycles of the year, the month and the day. In other words to the Zodiac signs, the moon phases and aspects, and to the daily houses.


A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. There are also the deeper implications and meaning of the I Ching in the Great Treatise.


This site presents a completely new interpretation of each hexagram and hexagram line. References to the Superior Man and his virtue, have been removed. In this interpretation One does this or One does that. The advice is given for the individual and not just for the man. This is a significant change in the I Ching. Not to be thought of as a replacement for the old, but as an add on for more modern and astrological significance.


This is a site of cosmic alignment. The relationship of the I Ching to numbers, Kabbalah, the Seven Rays, Zodiac Signs and Houses are presented.


This is a site that takes the I Ching beyond words. It shows how to drum the hexagrams and then how to interpret them musically in melodies. It also shows how to chant the hexagrams, working to turn duality into unity.



This website is my resume!


About the Author

Robin ArmstrongView all posts by Robin Armstrong