ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:
Don’t mix business and pleasure. This month enjoyment and satisfaction will be highlighted, while working will add extra pressure. Get the work issues done first and then you will be able to enjoy yourself without much reserve. The first half of the month will be better than the last. So make the most of it.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a stressful lunation. Slow down!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow!
Hexagram Theme: 54. The Marrying Maiden. Be wary of collateral vulnerabilities!
Special Focus: If you are an Aries born in March then there will be many time demands made of you this month. There could be a backlash to splurging or spending too much too soon. It would be wise to keep a little back up for the past half of the month. Give yourself extra time to get places and drive defensively.
TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:
Your circumstances will continually improve as the month progresses. There is no need to rush or force issues. Just be patient and wait for the opportunities to come to you. Good cheer is a remarkable thing in a world full of worries. Spread some happiness around and you will win hearts.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will also be a harmonious lunation. Smooth moves!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t eat and talk!
Hexagram Theme: Apr.20-to- May 5: 54. The Marrying Maiden. Hold back a little.
May 6-May21: 34. The Power of the Great. It is your move!
Special Focus:
If you were born between May 8 and 10 then this will be an exciting month for you. There will be a need for you to do something different, to think outside of the box! If you are holding back, you will increase the amount of anxiety you feel. If you just go for it you will regain your sense of humour and have a new zest for life.
GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
Overindulgence will cause problems. You are inclined to disrespect natural limits and waste your resources. Maintaining some sense of restraint is advised. There will be temptations and a willingness to ignore the boundaries of responsible finances. Be wary about the choices you make.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be patient!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Express yourself!
Hexagram Theme: 34. The Power of the Great. Actions follow thoughts!
Special Focus: If you are a Gemini and were born in May this is a time when financial limitations lean on you. You will have to limit spending to essential items. It might be good to cut out the sugar for this month. The restrictions are forcing you to reevaluate your goals and what you want. Short term pain for long term gain.
Your timing will be off this month as Mars will oppose Cancer. Impatience will increase and with it your sense of judgment. This is an accident prone or mechanically challenged time. If you act out of anger, you will double the resistance. Keep well rested and avoid loud and aggressive people.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your feelings!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be patient!
Hexagram Theme: 32. Duration. Keep opinions to yourself!
Special Focus: If you were born on July 21 or 22 the confrontations and challenges of the last year or so will start to dissipate by Jan. 22. Until then hold your ground! Stay true to yourself and don’t surrender. Don’t expect sympathy. The grip of fear will start to be loosened. Above all control your anger.
LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Misunderstandings will have a way of escalating. There will be a need to correct them before things escalate. If you expect too much of others, you will be let down. Don’t ask anyone to do something that you wouldn’t do yourself. Success can be had is simple matters and small affairs. Try to be humble.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t rush!
Hexagram Theme: July 23-Aug 7: 32. Duration. Don’t get started!
Aug 8-23: 40. Deliverance. It is your move.
Special Focus: If you were born between Aug. 10 and 12 then this will be a month when sudden upsets or letdowns are likely. Be ready for change. Be prepared to let go. The more you hold one the more anxieties will increase. Let go of whatever no longer belongs or is holding you back. One this adjustment is made you will be able to regroup.
VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEPT. 23:
You will encounter delays and inaction this month. Don’t complain! The challenge will be to make the extra effort and stay focused on keeping busy. It is your ability to be efficient that will win the day. Don’t talk about what others are not doing. Just get the job done by yourself. This will win respect.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a harmonious lunation. Keep busy!.
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t argue!
Hexagram Theme: 40. Deliverance. Getting free from worries!
Special Focus: If you were born between Aug.26 and 30 you will feel that you are up against a wall and dead ended. Responsibilities will weigh heavily on you. At work you will feel that this is what you don’t want to do. Don’t walk away now as there is too much to lose. Wait. Set up a plan to change this situation over time. Some retraining might prove useful.
LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
Mechanical problems and time demands will follow you around this month. The New Year will start with enthusiasm but will quickly evolve into a serious effort to maintain commitments. The challenge will be to keep your spirits positive. Take a moment to think before you start anything. A good plan will be a good defense.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t be late!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts!
Hexagram Theme: 62. Preponderance of the Small. Take care of the little details.
Special Focus: If you were born between Oct. 19 and 21 then the confrontations and challenges that have been so predominant will start to lift as Pluto moves into Aquarius on Jan. 22. You will have to make a final effort to get rid of any negative understandings from your recent experiences, and start to let a new positive approach settle in.
SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
In small matters you will be productive. In big matters you will be on shaky ground. An extra effort will be needed to keep up with demands and this will gain respect. Short term pain for long term gain. Be helpful and make the work of those in authority easier. This will pay off in the long term.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a harmonious lunation. Plan your day!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a stressful lunation. Listen carefully!
Hexagram Theme: Oct.23-Nov.6: 62. Preponderance of the Small. One step at a time
Nov.7-22: 16. Enthusiasm. Be prepared!Special Focus: If you are a Scorpio and were born in October then this will be a month where judgements will be exaggerated. Misunderstandings are likely to grow. One will be tempted to make investments but would be wiser to wait. Don’t assume that you know better than others. Just keep quiet and let some differences pass.
The Force remains with you for the first 4 days of the month. Your enthusiasm will continue until the 24. Time demands will increase. If you can keep a smile and whistle while you work, much can be accomplished. Don’t try to delegate, just take care of the basics yourself. Good things will come to those who put out good energy.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a relatively insignificant lunation. No need for extremes.
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Express yourself!
Hexagram Theme: 16. Enthusiasm. Listen to some live music, if you can!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Dec. 16 and 18 then this will be a somewhat bewildering and disorienting month. Expectations will not likely be met. Temptations will lead to complications. The best thing you can do is keep self-reliant. Don’t make promises or rely on the promises of others. The road to hell is lined with good intentions. Just keep things simple and humble.
CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
The Force will be with you this month. You will start out 2024 active, confident and powerful. It will be the time of your peak energy level. You will be physical and assertive. Whatever you have been planning this is probably the right time to set it in motion. There will be little or no resistance.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Take some time outs for personal reflection.
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Keep on keeping on!
Hexagram Theme: 51. The Arousing Force, Shock, Thunder. Why wait for spring?
Special Focus: If you were born on Dec. 27 and 30 your outlook will be continue to be positive and even lucky. Opportunities will come your way and you simply have to take them when they arise. You will not encounter resistance or even arguments. Each action will be worth a thousand words. Just reach out and go for it.
AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
This will be a month when you know too much, or at least you think that you do. Misunderstandings surround you. It will be difficult for you to comprehend the motives of others. This makes for unstable relationships and gullible investments. If there is something you really want to do, just sit on it for a while. Wait!
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. No need to fuss!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Tip toe through the tulips!.
Hexagram Theme: Jan.20-Feb.4: 51. The Arousing Force, Shock, Thunder. Stay alert!
Feb.5-19: 55. Abundance, Fullness. Protect what is yours!
Special Focus: If you are Aquarius and were born in January, then there will be too many options and too little understanding. What will seem to be a great opportunity will prove to be a bad investment. You will be inclined to exaggerate your self-importance. It will not be good for you to drink and pontificate. Just be kind!
PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:
Take some extra time and care to make your New Year’s resolutions. What you decide will have a long-term effect. It is one thing to have visions but quite another to ground them and make them real. Some new commitment will be far better than avoiding the issue. Try to imagine what you would like to do across the year and even across the next fifteen years.
The New Moon of Jan. 11 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts!
The Full Moon of Jan. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation! Hold steady!
Hexagram Theme: 55. Abundance, Fullness. You have it! Will you use it?
Special Focus: If you were born on Mar. 14 or 15, there will be many temptations. You will be inclined to overspend and overindulge. Everything and anything can be justified to support a vision. Unfortunately this is not a wise approach. A fool and his or her money will be soon parted. Some discrimination would be advisable.
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at, or visit the website at
Robin’s online store is at
The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply! More than one thousand scholarships have been awarded over the last eleven years. To apply go to and send in a form from the Applications menu. The cost for the ten level course is $2000. You can go one level at a time for $200. a level.
Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.
Robin has a new site on Trigrams and Astrology.
Robin has six new websites about the I Ching and astrology.
I Ching Links
The I Ching is a zodiac of 64 divisions. Each hexagram line relates to a Zodiac degree. This site shows the correspondences, gives interpretive examples and to tools for you to work forward on your own.
This site Explains in detail the relationship of the I Ching to the cycles of the year, the month and the day. In other words to the Zodiac signs, the moon phases and aspects, and to the daily houses.
A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. There are also the deeper implications and meaning of the I Ching in the Great Treatise.
This site presents a completely new interpretation of each hexagram and hexagram line. References to the Superior Man and his virtue, have been removed. In this interpretation One does this or One does that. The advice is given for the individual and not just for the man. This is a significant change in the I Ching. Not to be thought of as a replacement for the old, but as an add on for more modern and astrological significance.
This is a site of cosmic alignment. The relationship of the I Ching to numbers, Kabbalah, the Seven Rays, Zodiac Signs and Houses are presented.
This is a site that takes the I Ching beyond words. It shows how to drum the hexagrams and then how to interpret them musically in melodies. It also shows how to chant the hexagrams, working to turn duality into unity.
This website is my resume!