Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:
This will be a month when you want to play more than work. Demands will be made of you and you will have to work hard to keep up. On the personal side you will be charming and popular. Once the chores are done, you will quickly move towards what or who you want.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a harmonious lunation. Go at your own speed. The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a harmonious lunation! Choose good company!.
Special Focus:
If you were born bewteen Apr. 10 and 13 then you will run confrontations and power struggles this month. Stand up for what is true, and let the chips fall where they may. This is not the time to run or hide. Deal with whatever challenges surface. Maintain self control but don’t expect sympathy.

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:
You will have your wits about you this month and communication will be highlighted. The first half of the month will be more satisfying than the last half. Decide what you want and then move towards it. There will be no need to force issues. With a little charm you will atttract what you want and need.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. It is your choice! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation. Make your own choices!
Special Focus:
If you were born between April 24 and 26 then this will be a month of reat excitement. Your life is changing for the better and you will need to reach out towards new behaviour. If you are resisting the changes you will not be sleeping well. Let go of the old and try something new!

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
By June 10 the fun loving Gemini that you are, will return and guide your activities. You should be ale to attract what you want with having to force issues. The main challenge will be to avoid excesses. It will be easy for you to overspend or over eat. Some moderation will keep your weight in check.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Take some time out to reflect! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will bring contradictory energies to the surface. Trust your commons sense!
Special Focus: If you are a Gemini and were born between June 7 and 11 you will be easily tempted or led astray this month. It will be important for you to maintain some self reliance and avoid dependencies. One excess will lead to another. Keep things simple. Make no promises!
The Force will be with you this month. It is your time to take the initiative and set your goals into motion. Your energy level will be good and your charisma will naturally attract what you want.You will be thinking clearly and the ability to make good investments is high. Use you imagination!
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t slow down! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation. Trust your feelings!
Special Focus:
If you were born between July 8 and 10, then this will be a month when you will run into delays and time demands. It will seem oppressive but you must not let depression settle in. You can have success in small matters, but you must bide your time in the big ones. you have too much to lose to run away. Hold steady, this will pass!
LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Many opportunities will surface spontaneously this month. Your challenge will be to ascertain which ones are the good ones and which are not. There will be a tendency to over indulge and over spend during the first ten days of the month. In the last twenty days, you will attract the people that you want.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a harmonious lunation. Strive to be jovial!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Jul. 27 and 31 then this will be a month filled with anxiety. Someone is likely to let you down. Your confidence could be shaken. You need to let go of what or who no longer belongs. This instability is there to force you to move on and away. Don’t look back!

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
Try to be considerate of others and take actions to make people feel more secure. Take care of the little things and let the big things take care of themselves. Mind your own business and keep your understanding to yourself. Exaggeration is a form of lying and it could cause more problems than it is worth.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a stressful lunation. Keep busy and don’t think! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a stressful lunation. Silence is golden!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Sept. 9 and 13 then your clarity will come into question. You will be inclined to exaggerate and speculate, to your disadvantage. Keep busy and do not try to explain what you are doing, or listen to other people’s explanation. Those who talk do not know. Those who know do not talk!

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
Librans will be restless and edgy this month. The little disturbances and delays will invoke an angry reaction. And you can expect mechanical problems and delays. Do not express your irritation! Try to stay cool. Keep well rested and it will help you to control your temper. Slow down and do not force issues.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a harmonious lunation. Use your charm!
Special Focus:
If you born between Oct. 14 and 17, then this will be a month of confrontations. There will be control issues. Be prepared to do the audit of your life and face the truth. There will be a reality check. What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. Do not expect sympathy. This is a time for tough love!

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
This will be a month of smooth sailing and creative thinking. It will be easy for you to act on your ideas and to express yourself. It is the personal touch that will make you shine. Be consistent and do not take big risks. Hold onto and maintain your responsibilities. Steady progress will follow!
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be sincere! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation! An empathetic response will work!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Oct 27 and 29 then this will be a month of shocks and sudden change. Not much is stable around you. It is a time for you to let go of the old and not to throw good energy after bad. If you don’t set yourself up, you will not be brought down!

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
Opportunities will come easily this month. Lady luck will smile on you. Relax and enjoy this time. Be ready to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. Problems will arise from too much partying and over indulgence. Laziness could move you away from the stream of good luck!
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t try to explain! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Trust your understanding but don’t express it!
Special Focus:
If you are a Sagittarius and were born on Dec. 9, 10, or 11 then you will will run into temptations this month. Do not speculate and neither should you make promises. Problems will come from too many options rather than from too few. Don’t get greedy!

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
Loose lips will sink ships! Hasty words will cause regret and create obstacles. Stay alert but say nothing. The more you force things the more adversity you will run into. Take care of your responsibilities. Hold onto patience more than impulse. Drive carefully.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Take a deep breath! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a relatively uneventful lunation. Stay calm!
Special Focus:
If you are a Capricorn and were born between Jan. 8 and 10 then you will encounter contradictions this month. For every serious decision you make, there will be someone or something that opposes i t. You will need to hold on to your responsibilities and be defensive in the face of adversity.

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
You will be popular this month and can improve accomplishments by being courteous. Do not get pulled into petty or family arguments. Stick to the high ground of optimism and enthusiasm. A positive attitude will be contagious. Good friends will truly be a special treasure!
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow. The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a harmonious lunation! Trust your instincts!
Special Focus: If you are an Aquarius and were born between January 20 and 22 then you will be walking on thin ice this month. If you stomp or force issues you will crash through the ice. This will not be a good time to take risks. Move away fro m and let go of what or who no longer belongs. Don’t throw god energy after bad.

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:
This will be an excellent month to express yourself. You will be perceptive and pointed in your communications. The biggest challenge will be in the choices you make. You will tend to overindulge or spend excessively. This will be a better month to put out energy than to try and collect it from others.
The New Moon of Jun 3 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your instincts! The Full Moon of Jun 17 will also be a stressful lunation. Control your cravings!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar.8 and 13 then this will be a time when your good intentions are misunderstood. You can see the dream but cannot afford to simply pay for it. This will be a good time for visions but and very poor time for making investments.
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (416) 557-2331, or visit the website at
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