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Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:

Your energy level will be positive this month, but your worries could drag you down if you let them. This is a time when it is important for you to be active and keep busy. Keep your thoughts and comments to yourself. An action is worth a thousand words, but one worrisome or negative word can spoil it all. Don’t explain!

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a harmonious lunation. Be happy! The New Moon eclipse of Jun 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Stay aloof!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Apr. 14 and 17 there will be a struggle to understand what is right and what is wrong. You will need to make an effort to be on the right side. Don’t cast blame! Be prepared to help others. Do not embrace the dark side of the force!

Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:

There will be a battle between being independent and the weight of the responsibilities needed to be independent. You need to be highly selective. If you are too liberal then you could suffer significant losses, but if you are too conservative you will lose most of the excitement in your life. Be defensive but allow for some personal expressions of freedom and excitement.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Listen carefully! The New Moon Eclipse of Jun 21 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your feelings.

Special Focus:  If you are a Taurus and were born between Apr. 28 and 30 you will be highly restless and probably have trouble sleeping. There is a need for you to break out of your old mold and do something new. The less you do the more anxious you will be. A little workout before going to sleep would help.

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:

You will receive a lot of appreciation this month and expressions of vanity could surface. Work to make others happier. It will be difficult for you to live up to expectations this month as personal initiatives will lack discrimination. It will be easy for you to take evasive actions, but difficult for you to  be sincere and consistent.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Smile! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Take some timeout for personal reflection!


Special Focus: If you are a Gemini and  were born in June then it will be very difficult for you to stay on track or be reliable this month. So many tempting schemes surface! It would be better for you to focus on helping others in simple ways. Do not let anger or impatience get the better of you.

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon

Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


Your energy level will be smooth and activities spontaneous this month. The main struggle will be in your personal outlook. You are being challenged to adjust your understanding; however it is important that you do not powerfully embrace a dark or negative approach.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Do what feels right! The New Moon Eclipse of Jun 21 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Take time out to be reflective!

Special Focus:

If you were born between July 15 and 20 then you will continue to struggle with your outlook. It will be too easy for you to cast blame and project the darkness on others. Protect your personal sensitivities and do not cast blame or act out of anger. Everyone out there is somebodies’ kid!

Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified

Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:

Adversity has lifted and things will be easier for you to do this month, but there will still be a need for you to be cautious. You need to be concerned about taking on more than you can deal with in the long term. Minimize your time demands and put the big projects on hold. If there is some new skill that you can develop that would be good.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Avoid intense discussions!

Special Focus:

If you were born between July 31 and Aug. 2 you will probably not be sleeping well. Significant change is happening, and someone is likely to let you down. Don’t get attached. The faster you can let go of the old, or whatever no longer belongs, the sooner you will feel relieved and begin to sleep well again.

Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23: 

This month will be like trying to swim upstream! Your energies will be blocked,  and you sense of timing will be off. Irritation and anger could increase your difficulties. You will be inclined to be unreliable or to rely on unreliable people. It would be wise for you to keep things simple. Be humble, avoid big schemes, and anything that could increase guilt or sorrow.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a stressful lunation. No Promises! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be a harmonious lunation. Strive to be caring!

Special Focus:

If you are a Virgo and were born in September, then you will be gullible and easily lead astray this month. So much pathos around you. Don’t try to solve it all. Be considerate. Let others go first. Do not allow fanatical judgements to influence your initiatives. Do not give your energy to people or situations that do not deserve it.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:

You will express your energy spontaneously this month, but you will be inclined to worry about little things. Do not try to express your worries or doubts. Make a significant effort to suppress the negative and accentuate the positive. A simple indecisive action will solve things better than hours of sympathetic discussions.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be a stressful lunation. Smile!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct. 17 and 22 then you will continue be under pressure to do an audit of your life! You need to work hard and maintain your inner truth. Do not let outer fears and power struggles to steal your attention. Maintain your own clear vision even if it means you need to spend a little more time alone. The light within is way stronger than the darkness without!

Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:

This will be a month of smooth sailing for most Scorpios but there will be a few sudden turns and extra demands on your time. Don’t sweat it! Be spontaneous. Let go of what no longer belongs and don’t throw good energy after bad. Alittle kindness on your part will go a long way.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be spontaneous! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be a harmonious lunation. Smooth moves!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct. 31 and Nov. 2 then this will be an upsetting month. Murphy’s law will prevail. You will have to let go of some of your attachments. A new direction is arising. Don’t hold onto the past and don’t look back. The future is filled with promise. Curb your sarcasm!

Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


This will be a month of scrambling for most Sagittarians. Trying to do too much and not seemingly accomplishing anything. If you can keep your expectations down, you will avoid getting lost in anger or desperation. The less other people mind your business and the less that you mind theirs, the better off you will be. Keep things simple!


The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a stressful lunation. Be aloof! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t make promises!

Special Focus:

If you are a Sagittarius and were born in November then you will avoid most of the confusion mentioned above. Life will be simpler and it will be relatively easy for you to get things done. You will have left the big issues behind you and the way ahead will seem clearer.

Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:

Don’t talk about your strategies; and avoid family worries if possible. Your comments will not be readily accepted in any case. You are aware of the opportunities around you. You need to reach out and take advantage of them even if there appears to be obstacles in your way. Do what needs to be done and progress will be made, even if that means working at something you don’t want to do.

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Discreet initiatives! The New Moon Eclipse of Jun 21 will be a stressful lunation. Stay aloof from strong feelings!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Jan. 15 and 18 then you will be challenged to reach out and expand what you are doing. This will mean moving beyond your comfort zone and working a little harder than you have been. So what? If it solves your inertia, it will usher in new momentums and new successes.

Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:

You will be appreciated for your ideas as long as you do not express any doubts or worries. Be happy and you will make others happy. Be the grump and you will deserve what you get. Don’t get fixated. Be prepared to let go of your way and step up to help someone who really needs it.


The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a harmonious lunation! Trust your instincts! The New Moon of Jun 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Avoid small talk!

Special Focus:  If you were born on January 20 or 21 then this will be a time when you will define your goals and take on new responsibilities. Be patient. Decide what kind of work you can do and make a humble start. Inertia will waste your potentials. Effort will be required of you. Just do it!

Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:

The Force will be with you this month, but you must not push too hard for what you want. Move around obstacles and you will avoid confrontations. Don’t complain! You will  readily be able to find another way to get what you want. Do not rely on the promises of others. Strive for self-reliance. Be sincere!

The Full Moon of Jun 5 will be a stressful lunation. Avoid expectations! The New Moon Eclipse of Jun 21 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Mar.8 and 13 this will be a time where your performance will be questionable. If you are around bad company you will be blamed. If you lose by helping others you will be praised. Keep things simple and strive to be consistent. Just because others are doing something does not make it right for you.


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at info@iastro.com or phone (416) 557-2331, or visit the website at www.iastro.com

Robin’s online store is at www.iastrostore.com

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply! More than one thousand scholarships have been awarded over the last seven years. To apply go to www.rasa.ws and send in a form from the Applications menu.

Robin has put over 1000 videos about astrology onto Youtube. They are under the channel called “Rasa SchoolofAstrology”.

Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.

About the Author

Robin ArmstrongView all posts by Robin Armstrong