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Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:

You will make good choices in the first half of the month. You will be charming and attract what you want. Your sex appeal will be in high and happy gear! You will take the initiative spontaneously and without adversity. In the last ten days of the month you will be talking and talking and talking!

The of Full Moon Mar. 7  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. No need to slow down!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Just take a deep breath!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Mar. 31 and Apr. 9 then this will be the luckiest month in twelve years. Jupiter conjuncts your Sun. Opportunities will come your way and you are ready for them. You simply have to take the initiative and go for it. This is good for new beginnings, a new business, a raise, a trip, a new home, a new baby. It is as if whatever you start will succeed. Twelve years before this comes again!

Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:

March will be a positive month when you simply need to adapt and go with the flow. Independent initiatives will come spontaneously and without tension. A little kindness and consideration on your part will have a wonderful effect on the world around you. No need to stress about the past or struggle into the future, just enjoy the ambience of the moment.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be smooth!

Special Focus:

Those of you born on April 20 or 21 will feel a confrontation building all month. Someone or some situation will challenge you. You will not be able to get what you want through charm. This is no time to run or scream. It is time to be brutally true and make the necessary adjustment. Hold steady and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t sell out!

Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:

The Force will continue to be with you again this month. Your energy level will be good and your sex appeal strong. Everything will work well as long as you don’t try to explain anything to others. Your mind will be inclined to express itself morally and judgmentally. You know that this is not the real you, so don’t be tempted to over indulge your judgments.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a stressful lunation. Silence is golden!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a harmonious lunation. Actions will speak louder than words!

Special Focus:

If you were born between May 21 and 23 then the weight of responsibility will weight heavily on you this month. You will need to cut back and redefine your goals. You might feel a little depressed but the solution will be to make a serious effort to complete the time demands made of you. Inertia will increase your depression.

Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon
Cancer Sign with rulership of Moon signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


This will be a very perceptive month for most Cancers. You will be able to express yourself well. Showing a little concern for others will gain a warm response. The main challenge this month will be your exaggerated desires. You will want to impulse-shop and will be inclined to over spend. Keep control of your emotional impulses and there will be many benefits.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a harmonious lunation. Be kind!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a stressful lunation. Don’t overindulge!

Special Focus:

If you are a Cancer and were born in June, then this will be a most pleasant month. Some financial restraint may still be wise, but your impulses will not likely cause problems. This will be an excellent time to develop a plan for the year ahead. This will be a good month to relax and enjoy yourself.

Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified
Leo Sign with rulership of Sun signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:

March will find most Leos very charismatic. Old restrictions are falling away and a new enthusiasm will be emerging. Your sex appeal will be in high gear , especially for the first half of the month. In the last half you will be inclined to overspend and overindulge. Success will come in simple ways, but big schemes will still lead to big letdowns.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Enjoy yourself!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a harmonious lunation. Keep active!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Aug. 7 and 9 this will be a time of high anxiety. Your world will be unstable. Someone or something is likely to let you down. If you try to hold on your anxiety will increase. Let go of whatever or whoever no longer belongs. Do not throw good energy after bad. This will not be a good time for speculation or big investments.

Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury
Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEPT. 23:

March will be an awkward month for Virgos. Your timing will be off and you will be easily irritated. Communications will be complicated. Everyone will seem to be speaking in double talk with unspoken agendas and judgements. If you take on new commitments they will likely be more than you can handle. Silence will be golden.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will bring mixed signals to the surface. Minimize expectations!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Restrain your impulses!

Special Focus:

If you were born between August 23 and 25 you will be far away from your true goals and having to deal with unwanted responsibilities. This is not the time for you to quit a job or run away. You would be wise to bide your time and improve your options. Adding a new skill to your repertoire would go a long way to changing your circumstances.

Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus
Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:

Your energy level will be good this month. Keep active. Your satisfaction level will not be so good. You will be  inclined to overspend or overindulge. Misunderstandings will develop over different preferences. You can’t always get what you want. Don’t force issues and don’t complain if you don’t get what you want. This time will pass by midmonth.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be physical!

The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your  instincts!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Oct. 14 and 21 you will tend to exaggerate things this month. This will cause misunderstandings and disagreements. This will not be a good time to push your visions forward, but rather to try and figure out how things went off track. Your world view and common sense will be changing. Try to work with the change.

Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars
Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:

Don’t push the river! Let it flow. You will need to be smooth and easy, rather than abrupt or forceful. If you see something you really want don’t chase it. Let it go and wait for it to come to you. If it is meant to be yours it will come. Run away from envy and lust. It will only end up costing you. Be patient! Wait for the right time.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t force issues!

Special Focus:

If you were born on November 21 or 22 the month will start out depressed and  restricted. Time demands will be weighing you down. Bide your time! The restrictions will start to lift as the month evolves. They will not be coming back. You will feel the change by the end of the month if not a little earlier.

Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams


You will accomplish more by charm than by force this month. It looks like you have over extended yourself and will be trying to do too much. You will be going out in many directions, going nowhere. The solution is to slow down and cut back. You need to recharge. This is an argumentative and accident prone time. Manage your anger.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will a stressful lunation. Don’t cast blame! The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a harmonious lunation. Stay calm!

Special Focus:

If you were born between November 22 and 24 then you will feel the burden of increased responsibilities. Time demands will be slowing you down. There is a need for you to adjust your goals and reassess your priorities. Take care of what has to be taken care of. Business before pleasure!

Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:

Opportunities will come your way quickly and it would not be wise for you to jump on the bandwagon and go for it. Impatience will cost you so slow down. There is no need to rush. By mid-month your ability to assess what is good for you will  improve dramatically. Secure your friendships before you ask for anything.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a harmonious lunation. Be kind! The New Moon of Mar. 21  will be a stressful lunation. Don’t rush!

Special Focus:

If you were born on January 19  or 20 these will be the days of decision. You will be challenged to stand your ground for what is true and purge what is not. A confrontation is present. Don’t run or be evasive. Face it straight on. Control or be controlled! Once the auditor is on your doorstep it is too late to try and hide things.

Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn
Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:

This will be an excellent month for Aquarians as long as you do not go to extremes. In big matters the world is still in a great state of change. On a personal level your good will and friendliness will win hearts and open doors. The first half of the month will be more enjoyable than the last. Make the most of it!

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Visit a friend! The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a harmonious lunation. Go somewhere!

Special Focus:

If you were born between Feb. 18 and 19 this will be a month of serious decisions. Pressures of responsibly will weigh heavily at the beginning of the month, but they will start to lift by mid-month and you will be smiling by the end of the month. Get the hard work done early in the month and it will open up good energies for the last half.

Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter
Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams

PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:

The less you do this month the easier it will be. The main challenge is that you will be running around trying to do more than is possible and getting scattered in the process. This will tire you out and increase your impatience level. You will probably be a little klutsy, dropping or breaking things. You could easily attract speeding tickets, so slow down. The best defense here is to keep well rested.

The Full Moon of Mar. 7  will bring mixed signals to the surface. Vulnerable to criticism! The New Moon Mar. 21  will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Go for a nice walk.

Special Focus:

If you were born between February 19 and 21, then this will be a month of serious decisions. You will be defining your goals and setting new more responsible priorities. You will need to assess your energy level and what you intend to do with your life now that you are growing up! It will be better to make the decisions yourself than to have them made for you.


Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.

For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at info@iastro.com, or visit the website at

Robin’s online store is at www.iastrostore.com

The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply! More than one thousand scholarships have been awarded over the last eleven years. To apply go to www.rasa.ws and send in a form from the Applications menu. The cost for the ten level course is $2000. You can go one level at a time for $200. a level.

Robin has put over 1000 videos about astrology onto Youtube. They are under the channel called “Rasa SchoolofAstrology





Robin has six new websites about the I Ching and astrology.

I Ching Links

The I Ching is a zodiac of 64 divisions. Each hexagram line relates to a Zodiac degree. This site shows the correspondences, gives interpretive examples and to tools for you to work forward on your own.


This site Explains in detail the relationship of the I Ching to the cycles of the year, the month and the day. In other words to the Zodiac signs, the moon phases and aspects, and to the daily houses.


A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. There are also the deeper implications and meaning of the I Ching in the Great Treatise.


This site presents a completely new interpretation of each hexagram and hexagram line. References to the Superior Man and his virtue, have been removed. In this interpretation One does this or One does that. The advice is given for the individual and not just for the man. This is a significant change in the I Ching. Not to be thought of as a replacement for the old, but as an add on for more modern and astrological significance.


This is a site of cosmic alignment. The relationship of the I Ching to numbers, Kabbalah, the Seven Rays, Zodiac Signs and Houses are presented.


This is a site that takes the I Ching beyond words. It shows how to drum the hexagrams and then how to interpret them musically in melodies. It also shows how to chant the hexagrams, working to turn duality into unity.



This website is my resume!


About the Author

Robin ArmstrongView all posts by Robin Armstrong