![Aries Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Aries-Sign.jpg)
ARIES: MAR. 20 to APR. 20:
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread! This month there will be an abundance of action and initiative but not much forethought. You need to control the words you say if you do not want to eat them. Be active by all means, but do not talk about it or try to explain what you are doing to anyone else.
The of Full Moon Sep. 10 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Talk is cheap!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Be direct!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar. 23 and 27 then you will attract good opportunities. Good luck will follow you this month along with a marked tendency to overindulge. Invest your energy but not your finances. Get paid for what you do as you do it. Do not rely on the promises of a future payoff.
![Taurus Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Taurus-Sign.jpg)
TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:
The ongoing struggle between freedom and responsibility will surface this month for Taureans. It is as if the irresistible force meets the immovable object. The forces that seem to hold you back will be depressing but the impulse to move on an break free will shine consistently and give you inspiration. The challenge will be to keep your thoughts and words positive.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t force issues!
Special Focus:
If you were born between May 7 and 10 you will be highly restless and not sleeping well. Circumstances around you are changing rapidly. If you hold on, there will be no end of worries. However if you let go of whatever needs to be let go of, laughter and excitement will not be far away.
![Gemini Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Gemini-Sign.jpg)
GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
The Force will continue to be with Geminis this month. You will be quick to act and very impatient when relating to others. You will be critical about what ever dissatisfies you and inclined to respond aggressively. If you can hold to a standard of moderate indulgence you will minimize many difficulties.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a stressful lunation. Try to stay calm!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Use your charm!
Special Focus:
If you were born between June 12 and 16 then you will be inclined toward messianic initiatives. Unfortunately a lack of discrimination will make you seem like you are driving impaired. Expectations will cause sorrow. Stick to a humble standard and you will benefit. Help others rather than yourself.
![Cancer Symbol with rulership of Moon](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Cancer-Sign.jpg)
You will have a tendency to talk too much this month. It will cause misunderstandings. You will think that others understand you when they don’t or vice versa. Concepts and beliefs will be exaggerated. Truth, if verbal or mental will be distorted. It will be like in the movie Ghostbusters…. Just don’t think of anything!
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a harmonious lunation. Be physical!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a stressful lunation. Keep worries to yourself!
Special Focus:
If your were born between July 14 and 16 confrontations will return. Just when you think you have dealt with something circumstances will prove you wrong. You can’t control others but you can stand true to your principles and let the chips fall where they may. This will be a month of truth and consequences.
![Leo Symbol with rulership of Sun signified](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Leo-Sign.jpg)
LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
How to reach beyond one’s limits will be the challenge for Leos. Before one can reach beyond them, one needs to know exactly what they are. Once you can see what is restricting you then you can learn to overcome it. A sudden break away could cause too much damage. Responsible independence takes time and a good plan!
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will a relatively uneventful lunation. No need to cause waves!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Go at your own speed.
Special Focus: If you were born between Aug. 8 and 11 you will be anxious restless and not sleeping well this month. This will not be a good time to take risks or even to take the lead. Let it go! Wait for a better time. Aloof and detached you will be able to laugh at life’s challenges. This marks a very big turning point in your life. Listen well and don’t look back.
![Virgo Symbol with planetary rulership of Mercury](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Virgo-Sign.jpg)
VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
You will be inclined to push too hard for what you want, or complain too much about what you do not have. The challenge will be to control your impulses and your tongue. You will likely say the right thing at the wrong time. This will not be a good time to give advice or offer criticism. It will be enough for you to rest content with what is on your doorstep ….. for now!
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will bring contradictory energies to the surface. Stay calm!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Drive slowly!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Sept. 7 and 17 then you will be easily tempted this month. Distraction will be common place and it will be difficult to remain in focus. No one will be reliable around you and it will be difficult for you to be reliable yourself. The less people mind your business and the more humble you are, the better you will be.
![Libra Symbol with planetary rulership of Venus](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Libra-Sign.jpg)
LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
This will be a month of spontaneous initiative for Libra. It will be easy for you to be active. You energy output will not meet with adversity. You will want to share your ideas and will be inclined to talk too much. This will work in your favour as long as your understanding is correct. If you have to repeat yourself you will lose time and momentum.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. No interference!
The New Moon Sep. 25 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Take some timeout for personal reflection.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Oct. 18 and 21 then you will run into a naysayer or someone who confronts you. Do not back off! Just keep your good ideas to yourself. There is no sense in throwing pearls before swine. It is important that you hold to what is true and let the chips fall where they may.
![Scorpio Symbol with planetary rulership of Mars](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Scorpio-Sign.jpg)
SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Success will come in small matters. Big matters will have much greater risks. Make a plan and stick to the details. In dealing with each little problem as it arises, you stop them from becoming big issues. Rely on your own efficiency. Keeping busy in the background will work in your favour.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Smooth moves!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Nov. 8 and 11 then this month will be an unstable one. You will be high strung and will not likely sleep well. You are holding on to expectations that are not real. Others will let you down. The problem is in your expectations. Let go and don’t cast blame. Once you move all your smiles will return.
![Sagittarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Sagittarius-Sign.jpg)
This month you will being going out it too any directions at the same time. Not much will come of this. Your timing will be off and it will be difficult for you to be punctual. It is important for you to remain courteous and pleasant. Expressions of anger will work against you. You can’t do everything so don’t try to. Cut back and be selective.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a stressful lunation. Keep comments to yourself! The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Be courteous!
Special Focus:
If you are a Sagittarian and were born between December 14 and 17 then you will be charming, seductive and very gullible this week. Nothing is as it seems. No one will be reliable, and it with take some discrimination and detachment for you to remain reliable as well. This is a time for humble self service and social assistance. Help other rather than yourself.
![Capricorn Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Capricorn-Sign.jpg)
CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
If you have a good plan do not talk about it. If you do others will take it from you or interfere with it. Maintaining personal control and silence will be your best investment. Progress can be made but showing off will not benefit you. In other words if you mix business with pleasure it will cost you.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a harmonious lunation. Go at your own speed! The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a stressful lunation. Vulnerable to flattery!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Jan. 16 and 18 then you can expect power struggles and confrontations. Keep a straight face and don’t show your cards. Be patient there will be no need to rush. Hold to what you know to be true and don’t compromise. This is a time of tough love. Truth and consequences will prevail. Let the chips fall where they may.
![Aquarius Symbol with planetary rulership of Saturn](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Aquarius-Sign.jpg)
AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
Independent initiatives will be easy to take this month. They will work well if you can maintain discipline and take care of the responsibilities yourself. Self-discipline saves ships. If you are around unreliable people they will let you down. If you are unreliable you will suffer significant setbacks.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be moderate! The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a harmonious lunation. Express yourself!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Feb. 7 and 9 these will be days of unexpected shocks. Your world is changing quickly and what no longer belongs, needs to be left behind. High anxiety is to be expected. It will lessen as soon as you let go of what is worrying you. What seems troublesome now will lead to greater freedom in the future.
![Pisces Symbol with planetary rulership of Jupiter](https://www.iastro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Pisces-Sign.jpg)
PISCES: FEB. 19 to Mar. 20:
Two steps to the side, three steps backward and one step forward. The more you rush or force things, the more complications will arise. This will be a good time for you to slow down a little. Stay calm. If you rush or get angry you will increase your adversity. Your timing will be off. Drive carefully and give yourself extra time to get to your destination.
The Full Moon of Sep. 10 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Don’t express criticism! The New Moon Sep. 25 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be courteous!
Special Focus:
If you were born between March 14 and 16 then this will be a haunting month for you. You will be disoriented and have trouble staying focused. You will be uncertain of your priorities and will be highly gullible. There seems to be a fog around you. Slow down and stay low profile. There will be no need to draw unnecessary attention to yourself.
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at info@iastro.com, or visit the website at
Robin’s online store is at www.iastrostore.com
The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply! More than one thousand scholarships have been awarded over the last eleven years. To apply go to www.rasa.ws and send in a form from the Applications menu. The cost for the ten level course is $2000.
Robin has put over 1000 videos about astrology onto Youtube. They are under the channel called “Rasa SchoolofAstrology
Robin has six new websites about the I Ching and astrology.
I Ching Links
The I Ching is a zodiac of 64 divisions. Each hexagram line relates to a Zodiac degree. This site shows the correspondences, gives interpretive examples and to tools for you to work forward on your own.
This site Explains in detail the relationship of the I Ching to the cycles of the year, the month and the day. In other words to the Zodiac signs, the moon phases and aspects, and to the daily houses.
A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. There are also the deeper implications and meaning of the I Ching in the Great Treatise.
This site presents a completely new interpretation of each hexagram and hexagram line. References to the Superior Man and his virtue, have been removed. In this interpretation One does this or One does that. The advice is given for the individual and not just for the man. This is a significant change in the I Ching. Not to be thought of as a replacement for the old, but as an add on for more modern and astrological significance.
This is a site of cosmic alignment. The relationship of the I Ching to numbers, Kabbalah, the Seven Rays, Zodiac Signs and Houses are presented.
This is a site that takes the I Ching beyond words. It shows how to drum the hexagrams and then how to interpret them musically in melodies. It also shows how to chant the hexagrams, working to turn duality into unity.
This website is my resume!