Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
If you keep your mind clear and your priorities noble, you will benefit from other people’s lack of duty. Do not follow irresponsible or evasive people. There will be no need to explain. Just follow what you know to be right and obstacles will fall away. If you make the weak boss look good, there will be benefits.
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a relatively uneventful one for Aries. Don’t drink and drive!. The New Moon of May 18th will be another relatively uneventful one for Aries. Trust your common sense!
Special Focus:
If you are an Aries born in March then this will be a positive month where it will be easy for you to take the initiative and make forward progress. If you have something that you want to do, then this is a good month for you to do it! Use your energy. It will accomplish more than money!

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21
The Force will remain with you for the first 11 days of this month. Adversity has fallen away. You are free to push forward in your own manner. The challenge now is within you. There is now a need to recognize what is too much force. If you can calm or lessen your own rage, the world will start to smile at you!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will bring contradictory energies to the surface. Accentuate the positive. Move away from the negative! The New Moon of May 18th will be the most powerful or impressionable of the year. Take some time out for personal reflection.
Special Focus:
If you were born between May 3rd and 6th then your comprehension about things will be challenged. A new understanding is required! This might take some compromise on your part. If you can be considerate now, Your star will shine! Some battles are best left alone and not fought directly. Revenge is hollow!

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
There is an expression in baseball, “Wait for the pitch you want, before you swing!” This approach will be useful for you this month. If you rush or force things in the first half of the month you will lose energy. If you wait until the last half of the month, your energy will increase and the results of it will improve.
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a relatively uneventful one. Keep aloof! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a relatively uneventful one. Actions will speak louder and better than words!
Special Focus:
If you are a Gemini and were born in May then this will be a difficult month for you. You will be hemmed in by commitments and time demands. As the pressure increases, you will be inclined to run or avoid it. This is not a good idea. Wait! You have to face the results of previous efforts. Some retraining may be needed.
May will be a month when Cancers will find it easy to attract what they want but very difficult to hold onto it. Easy come easy go! But letting go will not come easy to Cancers. If you worry too much about what you have, you will attract predators! Be careful about what you ask for. Far better to keep to humble and small choices.
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a harmonious lunation. Follow your instincts!
Special Focus:
If you are a Cancer and were born in June then this will be a positive month where you will be appreciated and attract rewards. The quality of your choices will reveal the quality of your character. Don’t settle for a B or C choice. Go for the A.
LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
Lady luck continues to smile on Leos this May. Jupiter remains in your sign continuing the best year in twelve. There are little or no obstacles before you, unless you are being too lazy. Opportunities are knocking but you have to make the effort to reach out and make the most of them.
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a stressful one. Don’t trust your instincts or your appetite! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a stressful one. Try not to complain! Whining should be beneath you!
Special Focus:
If you are a Leo and were born in July then May will be a month of smooth moves and spontaneous initiatives. This will be a good time to set goals in motion as there will be little or no resistance. The way is clear ahead of you. The first half of the month will be easier than the last, so move quicky!

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
There will be too many choices and options making it difficult to be consistent or reliable. You will be somewhat irritable and impatient this month. Anger will only increase your difficulties. Your ability to discriminate will be impaired. Poor discrimination will attract poor company and impede progress. Stick to a plan and do one step at a time, if you can!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a harmonious lunation for Virgos. Stay calm! Go placidly into the noise and haste! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a harmonious one. Trust your instincts but say little!
Special Focus:
If you are a Virgo and were born in August then this will be an irritable month filled cross currents. It will seem as if people are getting under your feet. Try to keep well rested. Give yourself extra time to go places and drive carefully as you will be inclined to attract mechanical problems and speeding tickets!

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
Smooth sailing and spontaneous initiatives will prevail for Librans this May. Your energy level and communication skills will be operating in high gear. The challenge is to exercise some financial discretion as circumstances evolve. Move freely by all means, but don’t spend freely or you will spend too much!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be will be a relatively uneventful one. Don’t go for the second dessert! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a relatively uneventful one. Move around obstacles and not into them!
Special Focus:
Those Librans born in September will have a very positive run at life this month. It is as if all the traffic lights in front of you are green. If there is something to be done, get it done quickly. In the last half of the month you will not be listened to as well as in the first half. Be of good cheer and spread the happiness around.

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Can you keep your cool when everyone else is being irresponsible and reckless? Keep a song in your heart or good music playing and the dark clouds will fall away. Don’t rely on others to get things done properly, and don’t get worked up about this. Be true to yourself and protect your own sincerity. Don’t give your ideas out to fools who don’t deserve them.
The Full Moon of May 3rd will bring mixed signals to the surface for Scorpios. Just Trust your instincts! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a stressful one. Don’t trust your instincts! Accentuate the positive!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Nov.7th and 11th then misunderstandings will likely surface. If you react out of pride the you will be embarrassed. Don’t make hasty judgments! Asking a question will prove much more successful than making statements or judgments. Don’t sweat the small stuff! Just let it go!

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
It will prove very difficult for Sagittarians to control their minds and their tongues this month. Too much information will cause problems and so will too little! The challenge will be to let others speak and keep silent. If you voice your opinions you will attract opposition. The more you try to do, the less you will get done. Keep yourself well rested and don’t overextend yourself!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a relatively insignificant lunation. Keep things simple! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a relatively insignificant lunation. Be patient!
Special Focus:
If you are a Sagittarian and were born between Nov. 30th and Dec. 2 then this will be a very confused month for you. You will be gullible and prone to bouts of fanaticism and exaggeration. Temptations will surround you. Try not to make promises. Avoid speculating. Strive for simplicity and self reliance.

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
May starts out smooth and easy for Capricorns but then problems will develop as a result of poor choices and the misuse of money. Discontent could develop into contemptuous expressions. Do not verbalize or show your discontent! Keep your likes and dislikes to yourself. The problem will not be the idiots around you but why you attracted them in the first place!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a harmonious lunation for Capricorns. Trust your instincts! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a harmonious lunation. Avoid splurge spending!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Jan. 8th and 10th then this will prove to be an anxious month when you will have trouble relaxing and sleeping. Someone is likely to let you down or not live up to your expectations. The more you hold on to what no longer belongs the longer your instability will last. Don’t force issues! Let go! Move out of the way!

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
Aquarians will find it easier to do things and get them done than it will be to explain them. More action and less talk is what you will need! Just relax and go with the flow. If something requires too much effort this month, then you could probably leave it on the back burner for a while. Smile and be happy and the world will smile with you!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a stressful lunation. Don’t be too judgmental! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a stressful one. Don’t trust your instincts!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Feb. 9th and 19th then you will be prone to accidents and mechanical problems for the first half of the month. Anger and impatience will increase your effectiveness. Get the difficult things done and over with early in the month so that you will be able to coast and enjoy the last half!

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
May will start out easy for most Pisces but it will end up rough! You will accomplish more through charm and courtesy than you will by force. It will be important to be polite even to your enemies! You don’t have to surrender, but you shouldn’t be mean. Slow down and cut back on your time demands. Drive slowly!
The Full Moon of May 3rd will be a harmonious one for Pisces. Trust your instincts! The New Moon of May 18th will also be a harmonious lunation. Don’t push the speed limit though!.
Special Focus:
If you were born between Feb. 19th and 24th then responsibilities will slow you down this month and force an adjustment of your goals. Be cautious. It is time for you to make an effort to take care of business. Sudden breakthroughs will be unlikely. You will need to back up your dreams with efficiency!
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at
Robin’s new online store is at
The RASA School of Astrology is continuing its scholarship program, whereby the full tuition for the four year study program is paid for. Anyone can apply! More than three hundred scholarships were awarded over the last two years. To apply go to and send in an email from there.
Robin will organize special outings and drum circles to the Forest Woodhenge. Call if you are interested. 905-841-8565.
Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.