ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
Much will be accomplished through taking the initiative and finishing what you start. It will seem that many people around you will be operating in slow mode. If you try to slow down you will waste time and lose the winning edge. This month you will benefit from responsible and enthusiastic action. This will not be a good time to be stuck at the end of the line.
The New Moon May 6 will be a relatively uneventful one. Look carefully before you buy anything. The Full Moon May 21 will be a positive lunation. Trust your instincts!
Special Focus: If you were born between Apr 6 and 8 then this will be a month of reality checks. Nothing will come easy! Just when you try to relax, someone will challenge you. Don’t read more into your challenges than is necessary! This is a good month for you to find the humour in life and laugh!.
TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21: Most Taureans will enjoy themselves this month. You charm will be in high gear and you will be lucky enough to attract what you want. Don’t over indulge on the little things. Wait for things of better quality. You will not have to work hard this month. A smile will get you preferred treatment,
The New Moon May 6 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Make some time for personal reflection! The Full Moon May 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Stick to your comfort zone!
Special Focus: If you were born between May 2 and 5 then this will be a lucky month for you. You will not only be able to attract what you want but you will also attract the resources that you need. It is only a matter of being happy and sharing what you like. Keep smiling!
GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
Your capacity to overreact will be highlighted this month. The more you exaggerate the bigger the obstacles aroung you will be. This will be a klutzy and accident prone time for you. The more you argue the worse things will get. So keep well rested and stay in the back ground.
The New Moon May 6 will be a relatively uneventful one. Stay aloof and don’t instigate! The Full Moon May 21 will bring contradictory energies to the surface. Trust your mind over your instincts!
Special Focus: If your birthday is between June 1 and 3 then there will be unreliable influences around you. If you lean on or support unworthy people then you will be judge unworthy also. This is a time that requires self reliance. Dependencies will escalate unless you exercise personal discrimination.
Do not let the big worries become prominent in your life. Do not empower the negative!. This month you are supposed to focus on the little things and make your personal world more pleasant. A little charm will have a profound influence on others and will improve your fortunes.
The New Moon May 6 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The Full Moon May 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Avoid idle chatter!
Special Focus: If you were born between July 12 and 14 then this will be a month of high anxiety and restlessness. Circumstances around you are changing suddenly. If you try to hold on then your anxiety will increase. Let go! Let go and don’t look back. Don’t throw good energy after bad.
LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
This will be a lazy and overindulgent month for most Leos. You will be inclined to eat too uch, relax too much and spend too much! The lesson here is that too much of a good thing can cause big problems. Try to stop your meals one mouthful before you are satisfied. Avoid the second dessert!
The New Moon May 6 will also be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your instincts! The Full Moon May 21 will be a positive lunation. Express yourself!
Special Focus: If you were born between July 23 and 30 you will be able to overcome the indulgent inertia of this month by keeping active. Much will be gained through physical action. Make the effort and you will win. Get out of the house and make things happen..
VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
Impatience and restlessness will continue to bother Virgos this month. Your timing will be off and your energy level low. Anger will be the enemy. Work hard and sleep well. Leave other people to solve their own problems. If you let yourself fall behind, you will open yourself up to critical comments from others.
The New Moon May 6 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your instincts! The Full Moon May 21 will be a stressful one. Don’t talk! Bite your tongue!
Special Focus: If you were born between Sept. 2 and 6 then this will be a month when misunderstandings will cause problems. Do not speculate or gamble! Avoid anything that can be addictive or cause dependency, especially people! Don’t make promises. Stick to what is simple and familiar. Big schemes will cause big problems.
LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
This will be a good month for you to exercise and burn off any extra weight. Team sports will provide the most fun. Unfortunately the things that you want will be very expensive. The way for you to be happy this month will be to keep active. Indulgence will have significant consequences.
New Moon May 6 will be a relatively lunation. Control your sweet tooth! The Full Moon May 21 will be a harmonious lunation. Act on your ideas.
Special Focus: If you were born between Oct.9 and 11 then you will run into confrontations over issues of authority. You will need to true to yourself and non-aggressive towards others. Do not make decisions because of fear. Make them to overcome fear!
SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
This will be a month when you will either overindulge or overspend. Expect periods of laziness and inertia. Do not express your discontent if some else has something you want. Scowling, grumbling and envy will work against you so keep silent and don’t complain.
New Moon May 6 will be a stressful lunation. Watch your temper! The Full Moon May 21 willbe relatively uneventful . Happy communication will be highlighted!
Special Focus: If you were born between Oct. 23 and 25 then you will be the exception to the rule for most Scorpios. This will be a happy and enjoyable month for you without hassles or arguments. It will be quite easy to get your way simply by staying positive and smiling!
Most Sagittarians will have difficulty in deciding what is worthwhile and what is not. There will be a tendency to try to do more than you will be able to. Keep things simple. Avoid making promises. If you don’t set yourself up the you won’t be brought down. Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent!
The New Moon May 6 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t procrastinate! Full Moon of May 21 will bring mixed signals to the surface. Don’t exaggerate!
Special Focus:
If you are a Sagittarius and were born in November then you will be very assertive this month. Be active and take the initiative, but do not expect too much of others. A little discrimination and self-reliance will work in your favour. Do your own thing but don’t pontificate!
CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
You will accomplish more through charm and courtesy than you will through the use of force. You will be attractive to the opposite sex. In fact many things will come to you unasked this month. Good deals and good quality set the theme. Relax and enjoy yourself….in style!
The New Moon May 6 will be a harmonious lunation. Trust your impulses! The Full Moon May 21 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Relax and enjoy yourself.
Special Focus:
If you were born on Jan. 12,13 or 14 then you will not be sleeping well this month, You will be restless and quick to judge. Someone or something will not be going the way that you want it to go. Don’t hold on! Don’t bother! Let it go. If you can let go and move on you will start sleeping well and even might laugh a little!
AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
This will be a month of too much or too little and either way you will have much to complain about. The more you complain, the more people will avoid you. So rather than being envious of others try to share what you have. The lesson here is to keep active and not get lazy!
The New Moon May 6 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your instincts! The Full Moon May 21 will be a harmonious lunation. Communiations will be highlighted!
Special Focus:
If you are an Aquarius and were born in January then this will be an adventurous month when it will be fun to do things. Keep active and you will stay happy. Don’t stay at home or on the internet! Get out and be physically active with friends! Any opportunity to travel should be taken.
PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
This month you will be challenged to adjust your understanding and become more responsible. Get the work done before you try to enjoy the reward. There will be an abundance of enjoyment accompanied by many immediate time demands. Drive carefully.
The New Moon May 6 will be a harmonious one. Go with the flow! The Full Moon May 21 will be a stressful lunation. Watch what you say!
Special Focus: If you are a Pisces and were born in February then this will be a month of easy irritation and of arguments. Try to keep well rested and don’t force issues. Give yourself extra time to get places and drive slowly. You will also be over reactiuve and accident prone.
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (905) 841-8565, or visit the website at
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Every month 3 lucky winners will be chosen from Robin’s email list. The prize this month is a thirty page interpretation of your horoscope. For a chance to win send an email to Robin. Once you are on the list you will be eligible win every month.