Aries Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
ARIES: MAR. 21 to APR. 20:
A little bit of charm will go a long way. Whistle while you work. There will be no need to sweat the little stuff. The sooner you take care of responsibilities, the sooner will be able to start having fun. On the whole you will be able to make things happen easily without running into interference.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a stressful lunation. Don’t trust your instincts! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a harmonious lunation. Make the first move!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Mar. 23 and 26 then you will feel the weigh of responsibility this month. You will be forced to adjust your goals. Time demands will increase. This will not be a major problem. Just expect that you will have to work hard. Take a little extra time to get places so that you will not be late!

Taurus Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
TAURUS: APR. 20: to MAY 21:
You will be restless this month and quick to anger. Things will seem to move faster than you want them to. You will expect too much too fast, and other people will arise to compete with you. You will be inclined to argue or even yell to draw attention to your cause. Hasty words will have little effect.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a harmonious lunation. Don’t force things! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a stressful lunation. Stay in the background!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Apr. 20 and 30 you will be accident prone this month. You will be challenged by the Force. Keep well rested and do not contend with others. If you can stay calm and avoid arguments, then you will make the most of this month. However, there will be a distinct capacity for sudden disruptions.

Gemini Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
GEMINI: MAY 21 to JUNE 21:
This will be a good month for most Gemini especially in outdoor situations. You will be popular and fun loving. It will be easy for you to attract a good response. Strive to be happy and playful. Don’t be tempted to take advantage of other people or to be pulled into other people’s lies.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be dramatic! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a harmonious one when you will take the limelight.
Special Focus:
If you were born between June 5 and 7 then this will be a month of evasive maneuvers and questionable intentions. You will be easily tempted. The main challenge this month will be to be honest and self-reliant. Too many expectations could lead to a major embarrassment. Slow down, a little.
Courtesy and charm will win the day for you this month, even amidst big confrontations and serious restraints. A simple smile will prove much stronger than the greatest worries. Try it! You also need to consider some retraining so that you might be better able to work at something you feel good about.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be the most sensitive lunation of the year. Take some time out for personal reflection, especially if you can get near water! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a relatively uneventful lunation! Don’t sweat the little things!
Special Focus:
If you were born between June 24 and 27 then this will be a month when you will be as far away from your peak status and confidence as you can be. You will be hemmed in by commitments and responsibilities you no longer want. Do not rush away or you will bring the problem with you. Bide your time. The only extra commitment you could make would be for a course in something you really want to do.
LEO: JULY 23 to AUG. 23:
You will be inclined to charm your way to getting what you want, unfortunately there will be opposition to your desires. On a personal level your timing will be off. Try to keep well rested and when facing adversity be courteous. Do not voice your discontent or you will find yourself embarrassed.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Be content with what you have! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will bring contradictory energies to the surface. Try to understand.
Special Focus:
Those Leos born between July 23 and 25 will experiences sudden shocks and let downs this month. Do not force your way! This is the time to back off and let go of what no longer belongs. This has been a long time coming! As long as you do not let go you will be very anxious and sleepless. Just let go! Let it fall away!

Virgo Sign with planetary rulership of Mercury signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
VIRGO: AUG. 23 to SEP. 23:
The energy around most Virgo is pretty good this month, but there will be a tendency to go out on tangents and get scattered. Much will depend on how reliable you are and on whether you have reliable people around you. If you are humble, keep things simple and not trying to explain yourself, you should be fine.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Keep it simple!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Sept. 7 and 9 then you will encounter many temptations this month. Any big scheme or dream could turn into smoke, or quicksand. Stay honest and sincere. Keep things simple. Do not make promises or rely on the promises of others. Silence will be golden!

Libra Sign with planetary rulership of Venus signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
LIBRA: SEPT. 23 to OCT. 23:
Your ideas will gain applause and recognition this month, so it will be a good time to put them out. Even amidst growing pressures and responsibilities you will be able to navigate smoothly and get what you want done, done. This will be a time of smooth moves and creative ideas.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a stressful lunation. Make the extra effort! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a harmonious lunation. Smooth moves!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Sept. 26 and 29 then you will feel the weight of responsibility on your back this month. You will need to redefine your goals and priorities. Set up a plan of attack and then stick to it. There will not be much time for personal enjoyment this month. Get what needs to be achieved done and the pressure will lift. Don’t be late!

Scorpio Sign with planetary rulership of Mars signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
SCORPIO: OCT. 23 to NOV. 22:
Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent! Opportunities will surround you but if you draw too much attention to yourself, then obstacles will increase. Your timing will be off this month and you will spoil things if you get aggressive. Keep your ideas to yourself and do not complain!
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a harmonious lunation. Try to relax! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a stressful one. Don’t trust your instincts!
Special Focus:
If you are a Scorpio and were born in October, then this will be a highly volatile and accident-prone month. You will have to slow down a little. Anxiety will increase anxiety. You will not sleep well until you have let go of what is disturbing you. Anger will certainly backfire. Drive carefully and give yourself extra time to get places.

Sagittarius sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
You will be popular and attract attention this month. You will be able to achieve what you want through charisma. If something is a hassle to do, let it be for a while. You should be able to accomplish progress without forcing issues. This will be an excellent month for networking.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Keep active! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a harmonious lunation. Go with the flow!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Dec. 7 and 9 then you will be very gullible this month. Satisfaction will prove evasive and you are prone to criticize or complain about whatever is not going your way. Keep your indulgences simple and you will minimize the temptations that present themselves. Don’t make promises!

Capricorn Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
CAPRICORN: DEC. 22 to JAN. 20:
This will be an easy-going month for most Capricorns. Nothing will get in your way. You will not feel very aggressive and there is no need to force issues. Listen to others and wait for the right moment to make suggestions. People around you will broadcast what they want and what is a good investment.
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will bring stressful emotional energies to the surface. Don’t trust your instincts. Be patient! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a relatively uneventful lunation. Don’t swerve off course!
Special Focus:
If you were born between Dec. 25 and 28 then you will be defining new goals for your life. You will be deciding what you don’t want to do any more and what you do want to do. You will be able to see the effort required. This is not the time to hesitate. Make a long-term decision and start to work towards it.

Aquarius Sign with planetary rulership of Saturn signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
AQUARIUS: JAN. 20 to FEB. 19:
The Force will be with these ones this month. It will be important for you to use the Force quickly and quietly. Do not announce your moves! Do not explain yourself. Be direct but take care not to be excessively forceful. Just the right amount of force at the right time will work wonders. Timing is everything!
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a relatively uneventful lunation! Sssh! The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will bring contradictory tendencies to the surface. Act first, ask later!
Special Focus:
If you are an Aquarius born between Jan. 20 and 28 then there will be an instability attached to your actions. Expect disruptions, accidents, arguments and even cuts or bruises. You will not be sleeping well. You must plan to let go of battles you cannot win, and wait for the right timing to make any moves. Small moves will accumulate results, but big moves will fail!

Pisces sign with planetary rulership of Jupiter signified, as well as the corresponding I Ching hexagrams
PISCES: FEB. 19 to MAR. 20:
Things will be on track and moving well for most Pisceans. It will be important for you to not make a mountain out of a mole hill. Don’t sweat or criticize the small stuff or you will encourage others to rip you off. Keep the dreams and big projects going but do not expect others to pay attention to details. Stay cool and aloof!
The New Moon Eclipse of July 13 will be a harmonious one. Trust your instincts. The Full Moon Eclipse of July 27 will be a relatively uneventful one. Don’t get scattered!
Special Focus:
If you are a Pisces and were born in March then this month the little details will tend to upset you. Do not let your personal discontent escalate into expressions of contempt. Do not try to buy perfection. Maintain personal discretion and avoid temptations that could cause remorse or humiliation.
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, or to be put on his email list, email Robin at or phone (416) 557-2331, or visit the website at
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